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Mia Hofert


Oh hey bîtch :)

126 Replies

is Claudia Hodge a ****?

No but you probably are

Mia_Hofert replied 3037 days ago

What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?

Not being able to work sims 3

Mia_Hofert replied 3389 days ago

The last thing you bought ?

An iced Vanilla Chai from work :)

Mia_Hofert replied 3411 days ago

What does your perfect day look like?

secret #soznotsoz

Mia_Hofert replied 3431 days ago

What are you allergic to?

Nothing that I know of

Mia_Hofert replied 3439 days ago

What has wasted your time the most this year ?

Social Media

Mia_Hofert replied 3446 days ago

What is your biggest success up until now?

Sky diving

Mia_Hofert replied 3456 days ago

If money was no object, what would you do all day?

This question is irrelevant

Mia_Hofert replied 3460 days ago

Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?

The one and only Alexis

Mia_Hofert replied 3463 days ago

What’s my best physical feature?

I dont have one

Mia_Hofert replied 3465 days ago

How much do you weigh?

I actually dont know...

Mia_Hofert replied 3469 days ago

What was your last dream about ?

It was my future. It was a dream about how my life was when I was older and I hated it... Lol

Mia_Hofert replied 3472 days ago

Plans for the new year ?

To become friends with different people and do the things I wanna do in my own way!

Mia_Hofert replied 3475 days ago

The best song in 2014 for you ?


Mia_Hofert replied 3479 days ago

What did you get for christmas ?

A lot, cbf writing it

Mia_Hofert replied 3481 days ago