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"Okay" hahaha idk
have too many cant choose hbu
when ppl call me fat hbu?
someone and something ;)
2 faced btches.
thank you x
nice but dont talk much x
she is my twin, best friend and world. love her so much and so happy i met her??
what are you good at :)
my was hacked are u scared to show who this is lmao
annoying, talks sht about u behind ur back and pretends she/he is ur best friend in front of u, also someone whos a b****
popcorn haha
sht :(
Idk if this is an animal lmao but snakes HAHAHAH
Jessica (S)
Bella E
Bella B
Alicia M
ppl making fun of me
Justin Bieber's concert ?
Juliaaaa ilysssm your my best friend and my twin. im so happy we met and u make me smile when im sad, make me laugh when im pissed off and idk what id do without you ???
my friends
tbh, not so good.
that i wanna be popular lmao (btw no one is popular they just think they are)
For a girl: I like Vanessa
For a boy: i like Matthew
Idk lmao
Hahah not sure?
Aw thank u xx
The names ive been called :( and the guy that carjacked and drove off with me aha
Justin Bieber's concert omg cant wait hahha ????
There is tooooo many even tho i met her this yr! Love her sm tho xox
There is tooooo many even tho i met her this yr! Love her sm tho xox
bc im not :)
Too many to choose from?
Idk bahha
Not sure haha x
someone and dance ??
Annoying, lies to your face, and changed so much i honestly wanna kill him/her. Like just go away xx. (NOT YOU THE PERSON I HATE)
Wtf? I dont wanna "hang with the cool kids" you guys arent even cool you just think you are. I have my own friends and own group. Thanks
Hey Jen,
Pink only coz i dont like green
When they pretend there ur best friends then 5 min later they say sht about u to ur best friend
9.5 used to hangbout everyday but feel like we have drifted a bit but still love her
Pools because im like scared of dogs and there are dogs everywhere at the beach. But i love the beach because theyre fun haha
Reallyyyt pretty, nice, really funny ?. Love her and should talk more x
Really nice, pretty, not that close but in the same group just need to talk more xx
Noo but thank youuu xo
?? i dont have another ?
Love her to bits, so nice, funny, really pretty? and have great memories ❣?❣
Good try Jen ??
Hahahha they know who x
Not sure dont talk much x
Wow. Ok?
Im only saying 3 bc i dont wanna hurt anyones feelings. Ill choose Alessia, Amani and the rest r all pretty. ?
Im not sure idk who there friends are bc i don't hang out with them aha. But Gisele and Taya are reallyyy pretty??
They know who they are xo
Hmm wonder?
My friends, family and dance xx
Jennifer ?
They know who they are ?
Lmao idk both
Because that person is rude, annoying, and talks behind ur back and in front of u that person acts like he/she is ur best friend.
Nice this would probs guve it away but its my twin? nice pretty best person evr
Cracking nuckles
Cracking my nuckles hahahha