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29 Replies

I don't think enough people actually appreciate the type of person you are, and lots are missing out on knowing someone with so much interesting stuff to say ! Good day

Thank you.
I'm not sure I am as fantastic as all that, but it is very sweet of you to say.

Michaela_Mastroianni replied 4573 days ago


:3 Aw, why thank you.
That is very sweet.
What do you call an alligator in a vest?
An investigator.
I hope you hadn't heard that one before. :)

Michaela_Mastroianni replied 4573 days ago

Whats the worst possible thing that could happen right now

That depends on what you think is bad.
And the worst thing possible to me or the world?
I think that a nuclear world war 3 is pretty bad.

Michaela_Mastroianni replied 4589 days ago

but did u tell them how u felt about them? maybe thats why they didnt return the love.

Sometimes yes, and that didn't end very well at all.
Sometimes no because they were either;
a) In a relationships or
b) out of my league.
So yeah, I think I know who this, so you can inbox me if you feel comfortable.

Michaela_Mastroianni replied 4589 days ago

you're still not over her.

Over who?
Da faq? Do you know something I don't?
And her? What planet are you on darling?

Michaela_Mastroianni replied 4589 days ago

have you ever been in love with someone who hasn't loved you back?

nIt s*cks, I advise against it.

Michaela_Mastroianni replied 4589 days ago

how are you easily well like by many?

I didn't realize that I was. It's nice to hear that you think I am :3
However, what I have worked out is this:
The less that you seem to care about what other's think of you, the more they seem to like you. Weird isn't it? But it's true.
So my advice to you is that if you seem to like yourself and are comfortable which who you are, people are most likely going to be attracted to you.
:) Soooo yeah. If you'd like to talk, you probably know how to reach me :P

Michaela_Mastroianni replied 4589 days ago

you're pretty!

No seriously, thank you.
I would like to know how you are so I can give you a hug. :)

Michaela_Mastroianni replied 4590 days ago

and inquired of him
"do you do children's parties?"

And he replyed:

Michaela_Mastroianni replied 4590 days ago

a year 10 from msj that you think is pretty awesome and why.

Dude, like any one of my friends. Even some of the ones that aren't my friends. I like most of the people in my year-level, they're a good crowd.

Michaela_Mastroianni replied 4590 days ago

Favourite movie quote? Cody.Morrison

'There are two type of anger, explosive and implosive. Explosive is the guy who screams at cashier worker for not accepting his coupons. And Implosive is the cashier worker who stands there and takes the abuse, day after day. The finally snaps and shoots everyone in the store. You are implosive.'
Jack Nichollson, Anger Management.

Michaela_Mastroianni replied 4590 days ago 1

Jess Deller i awesome isn't she?

Haven't you heard the rumors?
I'd stay away from that one.

Michaela_Mastroianni replied 4590 days ago 3

do you like hares? the animals? topahtcat

Not particularly.

Michaela_Mastroianni replied 4590 days ago

dont feel embarras*ed about it. i think i am

Who said I was embarressed about it?
I'm not.
But a lot of my friends are, so if you'd like to talk about it you clearly know who I am and how to reach me.

Michaela_Mastroianni replied 4590 days ago

Who is the most famous person you have ever met and who were you with? do you love them for that amazing gift? topahtcat

I meet Nicola Roxen once.
That was with school, and I loved them at the time.
Bugger all now though.

Michaela_Mastroianni replied 4590 days ago 2