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If you don't have good things to say then I think it would be beter to shut you F****G mouth about my Questions thanks dOll:p xoxo come say it in my faCe cUz your just a twOfaced b*tch*
Agg yoU tOw cOzzy,,:p (:(:
Is there sutch a day?
Being in sOmeones arms you care fOr
For my bf
Wtf,,,I'm nOt a bOy,,,but thanks fOr the weird QuestiOn (;
MiNi Skirts,,,*
Better then ever and you :p xoxo
That I'm happy is sOmeones arms x_x it was last niGht
NothinG mUch*
A few things
When I ask "you" to come visit and you "can't" Or always being busy when I want to do sOmething . OR wanting to go some place and you friend or bf doesn't want to gO
If he's asking this QuestiOn he has to ask me himself (:
My beSt gf Janay , my mOther and my cousins love them dearly!!
I wouldn't aSk him anything I would only want to thank him for everything I have and everything that I'm going to have in the future ps : Jesus is Number 1 in my life frOm noW ON!!!
Being with someone who doesn't make me happy :( :'(
I only lie when its nesecery ,,, I don't lie that muCh anymOre its a bad habit
I can say what I want when I want so don't be scared just face me and yeah atleaSt I'm nOt lieing aboUt anything xoxO (:
Elfen lied
Not being a boy
Kla te mAak mt skOool te gan studeer en my eie apartment te he hehe en joune?
To be a bOy,,,cuz I'd know how to work with a lady and I'll have pretty good manners SecOnd wiSh will tO to have the best girlfriend In the WHOLE WORLD and she muSt only be mine!!:p!!!
Dancing and going to friends xoxo
NobOdy at the mOment xoxo
That my parent wouldn't be so tough on me that I can do more and that I was alowed to do what I want when I want xoxo
The day I had tO go to my bf or anyways ex-bfs house to meet his parents but now I'm changes;) xoxo
Hmmm that's a hard one let's see any song that I can't dance to ;)
Always , that's the tipe of person I am fOrgive and fOrget *xoxo
Realizing who my friends are
What tipe off question is that,,? If your trying to be funny say it in my face please,,?
I don't claim that I look good , its a way to calm myself down you wouldn't understand
Hurt myself
When I remembered who I was and that there's a monster inside me
Never did my selfies always look cute* or like a tomboy xoxo
Having backstabbers as friends
My friends and my mother
Nothing fOr me
I have a Few,,,
NO bUt it can BUY HOES!!!! No jokes I'm not an easy girl so I don't care about money I care about LoVe
Hmmm inspiration you say,,* sow tell me whO are you ;;) with all that sweet talk enought to make my heart fall oUt!!
It depends can you write good lOve sOngS?,,
The way I lOok in schOol "klere"x_x I look muCh beter in normal "klere":p and that's all*
It Depends ,,, why?
BOth !! Love them !!!
Hmmm well whO doesn't?? I always dO hehe
Yeah pretty mUch why ;;) ?? Ppl always think I tell the truth sow yeaaa I'm a good liar*
YEAH like everyday!!! By my little brO!!! He's a wild animal in so many ways LOL
EngliSh , HistOry & Computers**
35,,40 nO wait !! 42!!!!!!! X_x jikes that's muCh x-x
21 ******** 1997 :p (:
Yes yes I have 1 *
Micarla Carla Erasmus*
I am someone who has many different sides, someone who has totally different emotions at different times. I feel sorrow, hate, love, and care. I may be crying when I am sad and I could be laughing so hard that I may not be able to breath at times. I could say that I am someone who takes notice in all of the little details in life and explain to you how I stop and smell the roses… sometimes more often than I should. Or maybe, I could put I am someone who loves to play with fire, because it absolutely fascinates me. I could say that I am someone who loves the water, I love to swim and go on boats and fish and scuba dive and dance in the rain. Ooh! maybe I’ll talk about how my life would be absolutely pointless without music and sharpies, my two favorite ways to express myself. I could go on for hours about how I am someone who loves adventures or how I love to get lost in the moment and watch the sun set with my best friends… Wow, I seem to be getting absolutely nowhere in deciding on a topic. Oh well, whatever. :p hope that's an awners*
Wowo,,,love that QuestioN !!!!! Hmmmm Let me think YEAH A LOT FOR NO REASON ppl juSt don't like me (: #dontknOwwhy!!!
Shopping with my Mother or juSt having some girl time with her x_x wow I sound juSt like a girly girl x_x
Janay MoMberG,,*hopE that awnsers yoUr QuestioN*
In what way ? What dO yoU mean by that QuestiOn??
I really don't knOw,,,maby my hair I'll want it black,,,and my eyes blue
Easy going, friendly, funny, fun to be around, confident, understanding, helpful, uninpatient, laid back flirty
Weird Question I must say !!! Hmmm I don't know never had one befOr x_x
Hoor nu weer x_x wona wata een vanii twins kan nu my soow maak bl'o'os :p
Its a Gift :p* hehe but thankS fOr the niCe words :*
NothinG yet bUt somethinG will !!! I knOw it!!!