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Ask me anything you like anonymously

21 Replies

Well you wanted people to ask things hahaha

Lol well clearly that was you seeing as you inboxes that to me just before because of what movie I was watching haha

MiirandaMaddison replied 3561 days ago

In the rumpus I say!


MiirandaMaddison replied 3561 days ago

we are a band of superheroes trying to save the world!


MiirandaMaddison replied 3562 days ago

we are anonymous haha bring me the horizon is good too

We? Hmm who is 'we'? Haha

MiirandaMaddison replied 3562 days ago

was pretty average tbh haha, dont mind BFMV pretty decent

Who is this btw haha Yeh bumf are amazing haha so are bring me the horizon lolol

MiirandaMaddison replied 3562 days ago

so how was your day?

Not too bad :) found out that Bullet For My Valentine are bringing out a new album so woohoo haha how was yours?

MiirandaMaddison replied 3562 days ago


Well howdy there homie........

MiirandaMaddison replied 3562 days ago

why use google to answer questions that you should know the answers to?

Me and Google are a team

MiirandaMaddison replied 3563 days ago 1

what is the meaning of life?

The meaning of life is a philosophical and spiritual question concerning the significance of living or existence in general. It can also be expressed in different forms, such as "What should I do?", "Why are we here?", "What is life all about?", and "What is the purpose of existence?" or even "Does life exist at all?" It has been the subject of much philosophical, scientific, and theological speculation throughout history. There have been a large number of proposed answers to these questions from many different cultural and ideological backgrounds.

MiirandaMaddison replied 3563 days ago 1

you're a doodle with a noode sitting on a poodle while eating strudel.

Oh indeed I am Hahahaha would you like to join and be my partner in that?

MiirandaMaddison replied 3563 days ago

why is the sky blue?

A clear cloudless day-time sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light. When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight. Thanks google?

MiirandaMaddison replied 3563 days ago 1


Yes my dear Celine?

MiirandaMaddison replied 3563 days ago

what even

Say whatttt?

MiirandaMaddison replied 3563 days ago

I believe you changed your name to Brenda.

Boost juice for Brenda??

MiirandaMaddison replied 3563 days ago

Why do you have so much minion ****

Because #minionsforlife haha

MiirandaMaddison replied 3565 days ago