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Mija Richardson


Guarantee you, I'll answer it!

87 Replies

What type of people bore you ?

People with no sense of humour :/

MijaRxx replied 3546 days ago

If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?

24... Not bad!

MijaRxx replied 3580 days ago

What profession would you not like to do?

Anything to do with garbage, or dirt

MijaRxx replied 3585 days ago

Something you regret buying and why ?

Nothing. I regret nothing...

MijaRxx replied 3589 days ago

Who are you going to go with?

Ah, not too sure... Probably going in a group.

MijaRxx replied 3589 days ago

Are you going to the formal?

Most likely, yeah...

MijaRxx replied 3592 days ago

Who do you want to be with right now?

Well, there's one person, but thats a secret :)

MijaRxx replied 3600 days ago

What would you prefer more time at school with less homework or less time at school with more homework?

Umm more school less h/work

MijaRxx replied 3609 days ago

Whats the one thing you cannot forgive ?

Whenever someone ignores me and won't tell me why... It pisses me off and it makes me feel clingy.

MijaRxx replied 3619 days ago

Hey Mija, I hope you have a great Easter and I hope you have a great day tomorrow!I hope this term you will start to like me and talk to me a bit more.I'm still pretty shy to talk to you and I'm only in year 9 and not in you year level which really s*cks. Xx

Thank you so much... Just come up and talk to me... Ill promose Ill listen. :)

MijaRxx replied 3622 days ago

What do you spend your money on the most ?

Umm... Keeping people happy.

MijaRxx replied 3640 days ago

how does it feel knowing that people are wanting to date you?

To be honest, a bit weird... I didn't think anyone actually liked me enough haha

MijaRxx replied 3640 days ago

One thing you would change about yourself?

My body shape haha

MijaRxx replied 3641 days ago

I heard you were looking for me today... ill come talk to you when im ready, baby. just be patient. :)

Seriously, who are you? PLEASE come up and talk to me!

MijaRxx replied 3641 days ago

What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?

Well I just broke something valuable so cleaning it will be a pain.

MijaRxx replied 3641 days ago