Was daar ooit n ou in standerton wat vir jou mooi was??
En wie is hulle
Champange + longboard = ?
Te veel memories ?
En roasties ??
Ons mis jou ook glaaaad nie. Thanks 4 leaving xx
Snaaks hoe jy dit anonymously kan sê ??♀️Dis n plesier, die plek en mense het rerig nie my siel goed gedoen nie ?x
Who is your favourite person like ever?
That’s quite impossible to answer ?
I have a few
Do you miss Standerton??
If I can be honest ..
no ?not at all
I miss the (only some) people, not the place
Are you back in Richards Bay?
Back in KZN yes
Hi da??bye now??
Love ya?ml xx
Hey da?bye bye
Love you toooo?xx
Blah blah blah blah blah
Ek mis jou
??dis baie oulik
I most probably miss you too
im so nervous to message you haha - luke baker xxx
Don’t be ?
Do you miss jolie
Do you breath,??♀️? yes I do a lot
When you coming back to RichardsBay
Coming for the holiday
Ek hou noggal baie van
??????ek is baie bly vir jou
Weet jy van Luke Baker? Hy dink jy is beeldskoon xxx
Ek ken nie n Luke Baker nie ??♀️
Jy is oulik Snotkindjie?❤
Ag ek waardeer jou Snotkindjie??❤️??♀️
Agg jy is nogal cool??
Danke Danke, word waardeer ?☺️
Kan jy net terug fok waar jy vandaan gekom het
Nee wat ek geniet dit hier ?
As jy R1000 gehaad het wat sou jy koop ?
Your greatest accomplishment?
Getting out of bed ✌?
Ondhou my
Tutor sis❤️
Sal altyd ❤️
Wies jou nuwe standerton vriende?
Nog besig om nuwe vriende te maak
Waar heen trek julle ?
Mpumalanga ??
Wat dink j van SHS?
Dis okay??
Wies jou BFF standertoner?
My bff bly JoJo ❤️?
Maar daars cool mense ????
Kan nie wag as jy SHS toe kom nie! Jy lyk na n awesome mens??
Can’t wait ? dankie jy?
Trigardt upgraded
??ok and?
Charne Northcote en Ilka Swart wil graag jou vriende wees ?
Hulle is baie nice meisies?
Plans soon please ?
Definitely dm meh
Hkm is jy so mooi
Hkm is jy so oulik?
You're my kind of person ?❤
?ek dink ek weet wie die is?❤️
Het jy alklaar nuwe vriende?
Ek het n paar?
Boer of dorpseuntjie? ?
Die regte tipe seuntjie?
Wane trek julle?
Check you in 5 days??
Kan ek jou tour guide wees?
Wel dm my en dan sien ons wie jy is???
Do you regret having a thing with Neville Vb
I don’t regret anything in my life
Such a nice person
Aww thank you?
Jys te mooi vir SHS ?
Dm my ?
Vertel my wies jou BF?
Ek het nie een nie???
Ekt gehoor jy trek Standerton toe ,is dit waar ?
Dit is ??
You'll never know if you don't try
If you want to fix things why don't you?
Don’t know if he wants to??
When are u posting again?
Maybe tonight
fcking btch???
What even?
Do you have anyone special in mind
I do ??
Are you still talking to Trigardt?
If not then why don't you try fix things?
I want to
Why don’t you have a bf
Who needs a boyfriend when you have pizza?
Would you really try fix things with trigardt, if you could?
Yes of course ?
Would you like to go for a movie
First I would like to know who you are
Are you still friends with Clarize?
Sweetest girl I know
This is sweet ?
hey there you hows about we make a plan and do something sometime soon??
Dm mehhhh?✌?
Guess who??❤❤
Nathhaaannn ??❤️
Girll you flamming
Thaankk you??
What happened to you and Kid_Meij?
Well we ended it because of stupid arguments and disagreements ?but tbh if I could I would go back in time and try to change/prevent all of it ✌?
Would you ever go for Akhil
No ??he is my best friend basically my brother
Jy is rerig baie mooi
Baie dankie
Dude dit is nie mooi om so lelik te praat nie ?????
I don’t what it is but something about you makes my heart swell up?You are extremely beautiful, you are blessed with the beauty of an angel my darling ❣️
Oh my word this really means a lot ?? literally made my day ✨
I know you do ???
I’m missing youuuu tooo Nate ❤️
Babes ❤️? Eks lief vir jou hoor xx Moenie lat die mense jou af kraak nie, hulle is net jealous ? JolieB
My jojo❤️Ek is lief vir jou❤️Dankie dat jy altyd daar vir my is??ek is dankbaar vir jou✨Pinkie and the brain are going to take over the shower ?????*world
I like your photos
Thanks ?
Why do you think people like/hate you?
I don’t know ??♀️
Is jolie and anicas friendship not bothering you?
No ???
If I were a cat I'd spend all 9 lives with you.
All these were so so cheesy ?? omw
I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?
Is there an airport nearby or is that just my heart taking off?
??this is so cute ?
I'm no organ donor but I'd be happy to give you my heart.
Omw ???
How come I didn’t see you at Bastille
I don’t know ???♀️??♀️
You’re really beautiful ?
Thank you so much ?this is sweet
Jolie will choose anica over you anytime ?
?okay, think whatever, I’m not in competition with Anica, we both share an amazing friend who we both love and Jolie won’t choose one over the another.
Hoe lank terug het jy van Trigart gehoor
Joh ummm ek dink tussen 2-3 maande terug ?