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YOU BET I WOULD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would call out the nearest person and say that they farted and move away from them holding my nose
OMG I have always wanted to go to ROME
OMG tough question much..... well....... the only girls I really know is Marianna, Jade, Molly and Joanna (the only girls that I know well) P.S They are ALL FRIENDS!
wow wow wow let me think it depends..... YES
I am very cute (I guess) and I don't really want to do anything about it I love having people thinking I am cute but really I am not that cute
Not really
If it is a joke from one of my friends...yeah very funny but if it is from someone else then..........yes
I don't try to be cute I don't even know why all the girls think I am cute
Yes sometimes and other times no