Name 3 of your closest girls?
tumie,dindi le rAtu
what's up with your relationship status Mimi?
I thought you were into boys?
n0t anymore
why are u bi?
girls kiss better
Which guy would u go to a paty with nd u are sure ur safe?
uhmm..lets see... Bokang kannete
Email sum of those photos. U really mosotho? Dont think so. Whr do u work? Ke tlo shobelisa.
which of ur 4wends ud realy dnt wana loose?
Tumie Nthongoa
So I hear you have got a group,what is it called,and who came up with the name if you do not mind me asking?
i dont have a new ''group''as u'd lyk to call it..its more of a friendship...so obviously sontso ukwa lebitso
Ask nt tell,mxm.either way u have beautiful eyes.
So you're a lesbian now?
bi huni
Do you really eat a lot,if u do,why don't you gain weight?
yes.yes i do.i guess i dnt gain cz m naturally born petite
Why are you and that ***** â€miss'lee†so close, are you related or something or just both gay?
WTF???R u jelouse or sum sh*t?shz ma sis...BTW b*tch kwena u idiot!
do u eva hv d idea of datin smeone ur own *ex? Tshepo.m.k
no tshep0!
if u were to die for someone who would it be??
my m0ther
Wud u date a person younger dan u,if he wer matured
Hantle wat the hell is goin on btween u and khahliso lebakeng?
uhmm..y Do u Care???its n0t lyk hau tseba u'l do anything
if u were to get married....hypotheticali speakin(joke) which 1 of ur ex wud u choose? 1 dat ud be sure to trust with ur all?
uhmm..haha this is a tough 1 I think uhmm Bokang or Tumo...aka proposang pele is the 1 id marry
Mimi its dindi!! Lyk I syd I no hu my frnds n hu arnt!! Dnt wari ma love nna le kiki arnt frnds! We clos 2 bing bt w jst too diff!! Wena a ntsa botsa potso tseo,here is 1 4 u... Ke taba ya hao???
:)..i luv u dindi!
why doesnt your cuz(mokhele)want you to date?
oe nka kae eo jwale???
izit tru dat Bokang is still hooked on u n u still are? Kapa its jst rumours? N how d'u feel bout his current gf?
well,i like him-a lot..nd we r pretty gud frndz,thats all..idk anythng about the rumour kannete.nd well ka his current gf,m happy 4 him cz i knw he'd also b happy 4 me if it was the other way 'round
when was the last time you told you boyfriend that you love him?
hakena authi hle
who is your best friend?
Reitumetse Precious Mothebesoane-Nthongoa(Tumie Nthongoa) i luv u ma bestie!
do you thnk we (me and my gal) make a great couple?
uhm..if i knew u then id tell u.sowi
Mimi, o motle mfwe2. How do a person meet u? Whr do u work or school?
''how does''eseng ''how do''..if u wanna huk up wit me u'l find Me in QUTHING
Name 6 of your closest girls?
tumie,dindi,tlotli,Miss'lee,lele, nd ME! ;)
do you have short hair?
yup..i have short hair:)
do you aprrove the new ''friendship'' ya dindi le skim sa hae se new ''kiki''??like seriously,we all know na ba skimaneng kang!!
nna idk hle,ba skimane kang??..but answering ur quesxn,hu m i 2 judge...let her do her thing..BUT dindi is still ma Gurl
so r u skim le kiki since ke skim sa skim sa hau dindi?
''skim sa skim ke skim,ex ya skim hase skim,reya mo skimolla''wat do u think??
heard khahliso ''had'' a crush on u...wat hppnd?
omw!did he!? I ddnt knw,go ax hm otlo tsebe ho khutla otlo ntjoetsa since o bontsa ole journalist.
Did u love Tumo, wht went wrong?
i did love him and i still do,if i had a chance i'd take him back BUT he has moved on.
How many guys have u dated?
a.e ive answered this quetion b4..NEXT..
Baby waka
haha..i knw hu this is,i think.
hu du hve ur eye on ryt nw?
uhm...mr who who,i'l tell yall f sumfing goes dwn.lol
If u wud win 5 tickets to go to NYC,whch of ur galfrnds wud u tak???
tumie,dindi,maki,tlotli nd urs truely MIMZI...lUV THESE GALZ 2 BITTZ
Hu u gettin along iyt wth,in da datting game?
m single
have you got a lesbian lover? if you do whats her name?
nope hakna yona..wats wit tha lesbo ish all of a sudden?
Do u stil love tlebeza?
i wudnt say i still do..but i dnt have a reason to hate him
Eva kisd a guy in public
haha yup
Ha ke tlo o botsa bt ama tel u dat,o mtle blind
uhm..since ua njwetsa then thanx i guess
has anyone told yu ur pretty?if no then,knw dat ur pretty mimzi
aww...thank yew.ur so sweet <3
Y r u nd ur frnds al of a sudden lesbos? Eg dindi maki nd tumy?
tsamo botsa bona..hake lesbo.iv kissd galz nt actually d8ed thm
so i hear ur single,y is dat?
its a personal choice.im taking my tym 2 choose a guy hu i can really count on.but its not gnna b soon tho.
Hv u and knox kissed?
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??????nooooooo,i mean yah,maybe..lawl.okay yes we have
do u drink beer? if yes bo feng?
ke noa henessey(G)
d yu think ur a *****?
ofcourse i do,ke middle name ya evry gal..:P
whats the real reason behind your breakup with motloang?
the distance man.its a *****
So I hrd u and dindi got it gng down! Hw tru is dis? Nd ws der more to dt kiss? Since w all knw dindi is lesbo??
ah..ke khaaaaale kwana b4 she turnd lesbo.but we did kiss,mpa fla twas durng a game..dindi s ma frnd nthng more
So i respect tht , alot. Ws hopn we cd gt past th last Qooh.. <th p*rno one>. C Wt i'd lyk 2 knw is hu u r. Nt in a [was yo name] knda way . Hu r u ?
check ma fb info,thats y i wrote it:)
Wud u do a p*rno ? If no , ws th ****ng big deal ?
no,i wudnt.i respect maself 2 much 2 have a thousand ****s in me..besides,m a lady,not a ****ing *ex toy
If u were to spend one day wth any guy in MSU,who wud it be?
khahlie hleng,he's so sweeeeeet:)
have you ever kissed a girl?
yup..im bi :P
If you had a chance to apologies to some1,hu wd it be and why?
ma lil sis...i stole her barbie bodyspray
How was ur day?
fine thanx hle.xxxx
which ex wud u date again
i wudnt want sum1 hu is my past 2 b involved in my future cz he's just gonna keep pulling me bek..so,none
so tell me, wen d'u think ul ever settle down n jst choose a guy u reali wana be with....?
well i thot i was sttled with my recent ex,i was kinda thinking we were gnna b togthr for a while but i was wrong.so uhmm imma b single for a while,idk whn il get bek in the dating game
have u eva kissed a gal?
haha yeah...more than 2 actually...:P
r u stil a virgin?
has taba ya hao
what shoe siza do you wear?
i think you mean size..well size 3 hle,iv got small cute feet
who is your favorite person in your family and why?
its hard 2 choose ey..but i guess its ma cuz irene shz ma bffl<3
wu u currently dating?
Wats goin on between u and tlax?
Me and tlax,mm we are good goooood friends..
If stevie was to ax u out,would u consider dating hm?
**** noooooo,eseng stevie a tena hakana(G)!
how long have u been dating motloang?
hu wants 2 know:P
are you mean?
haha...uhmmm...if sum1 is mean to me then lenna il b mean 2 them
do you know hore motloang o otla banana? If he hit u, wat wud u do?
well,kya tseba he wudnt hit me:P
why motloang?
uhmmm.....i like him...
outta all ur exes, huz always been der for u? Kapa whch of dem d'u care abt most?
bokang mosiuoa..he's always been there 4 me..p.s i still care
How would you describe yourself?
well...uhm..m sweet,friendly,outgoing...
Whose your closest friend and why?
its gotta be tumie nthongoa...she understands me
Is motloang really your boyfriend?
yeah he is:)
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
uhm........2 long a story.lol
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Who are you dating currently