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Ask me sh*t people

10 Replies

If you could choose any of your friends to be your servant for a day, who would you choose and what would you make them do?

Dezi, and I would get her to talk my slang for a day seeing she gives me so much crap for it

Minnie3900 replied 3495 days ago

A song they should play at your funeral?

Over the rainbow :)

Minnie3900 replied 3966 days ago

Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?

Intelligence for looks

Minnie3900 replied 4015 days ago

Tbh on me lovely? And I'm coming on Saturday :-) ambersavagee

We've been best friends ever since kinder and I've had so many good times with u!! U r beautiful, kind and a great friend and I miss u :( also yaaay :D xoxo

Minnie3900 replied 4025 days ago 1

When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”

No not really

Minnie3900 replied 4031 days ago

One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?

I want to ask out my crush again but scared he might rejcet me again -.-

Minnie3900 replied 4031 days ago

Tbh? :)) jakee.ward

Really funny and cute guy ;) hillarious in class and cute with mikayla

Minnie3900 replied 4035 days ago

Tbh? x mikaylaaa.oakhill

Really pretty and popular, u and jake r a cute couple togther aswell ;) xo but u touch yr hair heaps! Haha

Minnie3900 replied 4035 days ago 1

What do you consider to the most valuable thing you own?

Well I have a lot of things but valuable money wise... My van high tops, Gucci handbag and my iPod and things that are valuable to me are photos, my pets and food

Minnie3900 replied 4099 days ago

A Movie that made you cry?

Almost every movie but one I can remember is the notebook.... Haha

Minnie3900 replied 4110 days ago