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A good friend, really nice and funny!
Good friend from last year, we don't talk so much anymore but he's really funny!
Aww thanks :) I miss you too
I don't have a number one best friend but my best friends are Sage, Charlie, Maiah, Elley, Holly and Alana
I dunno
Nope, my kik is Minkill
Because I'm bored...
Kik me!
Well, that's very interesting!
Just cos I like it
Hahahaha Probably not, depends on who you are
A good friend, really funny!
NO ONE!! (Kik me)
I have only known her for half a year but she is a really good friend. I hope we can go to Nandos again.
I'm really good
I had fun with you too!!
Thanks sage! Kik me
Good friend from primary school
Bestest friend ever, known her for ages love her!
Maribyrnong college
She's a good friend. She's very nice and preety.
Sage, Maiah, Charlie, Ash, Holly, Elley and Alana
No one, I'm so boring