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Hey there stalker

255 Replies

You're f*cked in the face

Thanks, I try, i really do try, it's nice to know my efforts aren't going undetected and people notice, i love you to stranger.

Mishi475 replied 3674 days ago

What are you allergic to?

yolo swag 2015

Mishi475 replied 3674 days ago

Someone u Miss?!!

Grace, Chantel, Ashlea, Kate, Skye, there's probably more..

Mishi475 replied 3706 days ago

Kill yourself.

No thanks

Mishi475 replied 3733 days ago

Mainly nice, hahaha

I'm a ***** most the time aha

Mishi475 replied 3756 days ago

Leave Mishell alone. She cant help it. She is mainly nice.


Mishi475 replied 3767 days ago

Everyone says to your face you are so pretty but really you are one ugly ****er. Your hair and skin are horrible you have a horse face and that eyebrow really needs some thinning out. And when you are with your friends you just act mean.

Thank you, someone finally says the truth, shame you're not brave enough to say it to my face.

Mishi475 replied 3770 days ago

Why are you such a user? *****!

Whatever yout say.

Mishi475 replied 3771 days ago

Favorite song?

Um at the moment I don't have one

Mishi475 replied 3789 days ago

Favorite movie?

The notebook

Mishi475 replied 3790 days ago

Haha totally weird question.I would choose my sis and then my bro to go first and 2nd. Then my mum cuz she's a true feral cow and then i guess my dad and I survive to be the hero? Or I die and my dad survives? I dunno. Weird.

Um ok.. I wouldn't wanna survive? I couldn't imagine living with the pain of losing all my family..

Mishi475 replied 3790 days ago

If your life was a horror movie and everyone that lived in your house had to die what order would you want them to go and who would survive to be the hero.Seriously ****ed up question but plz answer lol.


Mishi475 replied 3792 days ago

What do you like about the person you dating?


Mishi475 replied 3800 days ago

What's your favourite thing to do with your family? Your favorite thing to do with friends? Your favorite thing to do when you're alone?

Idk, idk, listen to music and draw

Mishi475 replied 3801 days ago

If I was homeless and dying I would be glad. What a horrible life. Better off dead. So what if this homeless guy had pussing leaking infected sores all over his mouth and fsce. Would you still give him mouth to mouth?

I don't get why you are so interested in this? :')

Mishi475 replied 3802 days ago