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Yes. I just lifted a cupcake off the saucer a min ago.. I can feel the gains already bro :')
Yes I do.. I'm friendly and sociable if people took the time to get to know me.. However, as you said, you're scared.. Apparently I come accross as 'intimidating'.. If someone makes an effort, so will I. And I'm not really into cars, so I can't answer that :)
Its hard not to be when the only feeling you know is pain :) always led on/friend-zoned or both haha. That's life :)
A romantic picnic under the stars, upon a beach, beside a warm fire, just me and my guy :) .. But the food better be damn good! No salads -_-
True.. I guess the guy I someday end up with will get to know every little thing about me :) can't just tell everyone. If someone is worth the time and effort, then effort should be made to get to know them in every aspect :)
Haha.. Cause I have no time for people who have feelings for me one day, and become strangers the next. Most, not all guys, don't know what they want :) and I'm not the type for flings, neither do I intend to allow anyone to hurt me again. I'll break his face :D
A slumo perhaps? :D No no .. I'm a haraam tikka chicken with extra vinegar'd chips and 2ltr coke
Only if I can tie them up into a bow to place upon your christmas gift :(