Mitchell West (awesome)
Then if i love you, you should know who this is yeah ? Then why would you want me to come off anonymous?
I dont know because im bored
:o but then you will know who i am and thats no fun ;) How can you love some random person ?
Because they love me
hehe i love you xD
<3 Love you too anon, but you should come off so I can see who you are
Well its not like you had more deaths :P and i was getting extra points !! haha
Yeah it wasnt like you were feeding points off me :P
It was just a funny moment when you kept dying and i had to keep reviving you :P I couldnt stop laughing....and my laugh is terrible..!!
Thanks for that btw you gave them like 5 extra kills
you always make me laugh comrade <3 :)
Good your so cute when you laugh :)
hahahaha :')
Glad I made you laugh :)
mitch.... -.- we are not friends.
f*** you -.- you know what i mean
No, I don't please clarify
That doesnt make sense of course i dont put the friend in friendship im not a word :P Silly person
Your actually not awesome i take that back because you shot me 5 times -.- what kind of friend does that?
The friend who was on the other team in BF3
your awesome :) when are we gonna play bf3 again ?
Thanks :), Whenever you want and im not busy
Who do you like bino ?
Everybody and everyone :P
Who is your most favorite girl that is your friend?
if you don't say my name, i will come and cut you.
This is a tricky one, because I have 2 and they are both my favourite.
i meant youre gay.. bsheree
Thanks sister -.-
Ohh so she aint free. got it, and this other one ? why dont u go after B ? i dont understand ya
Because B said she didn't feel the same way about me and that there was no changing her mind :/
Trust me, you will be :) dont you want her to know. Im talking about T here. dont you want her to know how you feel? You like her let her know!!
She knows I like her but their are a couple of things wrong, 1: She has a boyfriend 2: I only like/love her as a friend 3: She is very different to me.
damn it, were not playing anymore? Checkmate. Looks like i win this round. Dont worry the message will be pas*ed on to her, im only trying to help you, youll thank me one day
I don't know about that :/
Say all you want to, i know one girls name all i need is the other one. Does this 'bridget' girl know who she is, or is she just a slu* without any emotions? T....T hmm. Dont worry West all girls are the same, i know how it feels. I need a last name :)
Firstly, she isn't a slu*. And T you'll probably never get and i'll probably never tell you.
Wouldn't that be a coincidence? So i'm right, her name is Bridget, im guessing good friends :) Nice see i know what im talking about. The fact the your totally clueless makes it that more interesting. Well played its to bad i won.
Yes i would say so if it didn't happen for every one of these, i'm still suspicious about who this is, but you never know it could just be coincidence and i only said her name, i didn't say it was her.
aha so you dont know who i am. Bridget is it, interesting. Why would you think this is her, is she the one who's 'good friends' or 'doesn't know'?
I won't say which one she is, but i say this because i am talking to her and everytime she doesn't message me for a while a new question pops up here.
The second who ? Now im confused cause your not playin it rite. I thought you said you knew who i was... this is getting interesting .. hmm why dont you just reveal me and get it over with if your so clever?
I would say that it would be you Bridget.
Well then how do we play your game? You have all the knowlege do ya? Let hear something i dont already know :)
You must guess who the second is, and something you dont already know I need to know who you are to tell you that :P so ANON want to reveal who you are?
Hand us a name and lets be dealt with it.
But isn't this fun? If not, it's fun for me, and since i am the one with the knowledge you must play my game to know.
But as*uming is what i do best? It aight mate chillax, you sound like ya about to have a heart attack !! lol B...hmmmm....B.. your ex? one point for anon !!
Anon is someone i know then!!
Wait are you going out with anyone?
you never answered my question, so i have to get the answers myself :) i shall ask whomever i need to !
No i am not going out with anyone. Okay then ask but dont as*ume.
I will find out. I always do and ive already got a lead on this B chickka :)
Well i dont know who you are thinking off so i can't say if you are right or wrong, just dont go messaging people saying stuff about this. Okay.
oh comon, you can leave me wondering. please mate? your life is more interesting then mine!! ima take a guess and say T doesnt know and B does ? I wonder who dey are :\ ima find out !!
Good luck finding out, and my life aint interesting i just make it sound interesting.
oo which is which :O T to the not knowing or B to the not knowing !!
I guess you'll never know :P
Was this a boys or girls??
ahhahah West is a player !! Do they know you like them?
One of them is a great friend and i love her as a friend and she knows it
The other i dont think she knows it.
what does his/her name start with ;)
Who wants to know? And it starts with a B i tell you no more no less anon!!!
Your soo annoying. f*** but funny :P Love many then.
Hahaha i was just trolling :P
Who do you love ?
My love is not with one person but with many.
If you had to go out with someone, who would it be?
The person i love.
Do you like anyone at the moment?
I like people but not in the way I think your implying :P
if you could meet Fidel Castro, what would you do or ask him?
I wouldn't be able to meet Fidel Castro :P
you a se*y hoe
Is this frogger?
bahahaha you make me laugh :') but seriously.... your not awsome
Your actually not? Your just kidding yourself here.
But my life..........if this is not true............MY LIFE IS A LIE.............I............I MUST..............FIND..FIND THE................TRUE MEANING OF LIFE!!!!
But your not as awesome as me? oo and this Bridget chick sounds pretty cool :)
-.- i am da most awesome in the world!!!!
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood ?
Chuck Norris
Comrade, maybe if you played battlefield more. You would be awesome like me.
But i am already awesome, i dont need more of it :P
Mate, i go to your school, if you still like her chase after her!! be a man.
There are certain situations that this doesnt apply.
Tyra Collisnon?
She is weird, like me but we never meet up, but she talks about hitting people too much i dont think i want too :P
Do you still like her?
And why would i tell you that :P
Who was your last girlfriend?
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Who are you dating currently
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?