Dominique Hoffmann
What pisses you off the most?
When someone tells what ΐ like
Name 3 people you trust?
ΐ don't know someone, someone and someone
How long did your last call last?
About 20 mins
Hay hay how's it going... :) darkness3357
Hii, its really hot hey yoh, and there's a mosquito in my room so ΐ'm just going to plot its death, how's it going with you??
˚​​"̮ Hεγ˚"̮ so what colour socks ˚‎​‎​γǿν wearing today =)) ℓoℓ٠Diana_E_S
Uhmm white actually:o...and u??=)) but wore that colourful hoodie ΐ might of mentioned before...=-?
Did ˚‎​‎​you know ??? I just got ˚‎​‎​you exited on a stupid question :o Diana_E_S
Huh...nah bru ΐ'm just some crazy wacko crazy chick that's hyper half the time:|you know the chick that asks about the colour of your socks:|yeah well that's me/:)
I love u, can I be ur superman??? :*
Uhmmm who u r you exactly??
Would you take a bullet for a friend even if it kills you?
Some of them yeah
When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”
Best advice you received about relationships?
Talking to a guy and dealing with the problem that we had
Would you slap a parent for $30 Million ?
I'm hungry
So what am I gonna do I don't even know who you are!
Something you wish to have but cant afford?
Iphone or Ipad!
Supness wat upness u know who this isness can u guessness its meness the most wierdness cildness u knowness love uness
Supness. By the wayness you didn't spell childness correctlyness. Nothing upness. U such a boxness. This is the girl I'm gonna be talking to in ss tomorrowness.