Don't let me say you ain't beautiful they can all get ****ed just stay true to you Tommowens55
Grab your rod
How awesome are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
Coz I'm cool like that and I'm bored so I'm gonna anoy you hahaha :') Erincampbell01
GutftfytaftyftayatyfytafytfaytfaytfatyfrasrarHusiuhhisgjhwfsuygsgjvsjhgsyugsgisygysjgysjjhsgjhvshvsjhvshvscgcxgucugvsugsvuhwfyuwryurwturyuftuefuwgwiwgowpwphuoowlwlwkknnbbnvnvcshvusgvuysgiygwyiiygyittrwtrisitoouyspipiyssfjfsihosjlskggkhsgfsgjvs,b Erincampbell01
Just just why?
Erin, you are cool, i need you to be the best girlfriend you can be for tom as well
But nah your awesome
Youre actually the most attracrive kid, wow x
No im not
Would you go out with Monique Macri?
No way
Shes my sister!
Why you so gay
Im not gay
Hot ;) single or taken?
Tbh on patty fuge x
Shes really pretty and nice
Your a tad gay but your hotttttt