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Oh **** I think it was your mom 'ey!!!
ڼ forgetting what your moms gwaat looks like!!
ڼ know what add me on bbm & we will make plans so I can f***ing hit the living day lights outta ڼ!2937772
Its not what your mom said to me in bed last night!
Your obviously α f*** up!
Your moms poes!come say it to ℳy face now or are ڼ too scared??
Ya I know your moms Pu**y was nice last night!!
Ask your mom!
Tom & jerry
Oh I thought your mom called ڼ one!
Come say it face tomorrow at skwl then we will see who α poes face is!
Why don't ڼ come say that to ℳy face ڼ f***ing poes!
Who's this??
Mxm your teletubbies as*!