How was your first kiss like ?
Imak Sharmoota
Inta sharmoota
Thoughts on nalin
Good kid and a funny guy
Don't lie you do have a gf ;)
We broke up...
Friends make you happy not gfs ;)
First of all, I dont have a gf and probably Vanessa Whitta would be the only person
Your source of happiness?
Seeing her
Ya habibi I want your halwa lolz
Lolz you aint gettin it
How much is enough money for you?
Ha, anything is enough for me ;)
prettiest girls in year 10?
Gresa Gashi
The greatest moment in your life ?
When I got to use a gun! Amazing moment!
prettiest girlsin your year level?
Im New to the school so I Dont really know them
besties girls and boys top 5
Top 5 girls
Top 5 boys
Moey elhassan
Thoughts on Mitchell?
Funny guy and good to kb with
prettiest girls at Glenny
Theres a lot, but most prettiest is Joanna
TBH- Sahil
kent come back to DHS
Haha thanks and nooooo its a **** hole
who's hotter senil or joanna
Obviously Joanna
Thoughts on tien
Really nice girl and funny! We catch the same bus to school everyday :)
Thoughts on joanna
I love her! haha shes an amazing girl and very beautiful! very caring and really nice! good to chat with and friendly! <3
You're gay m8
Your mum is
do you like green eggs and ham?
I hate eggs and ham is harram for me
Do you like cheese?
Hmmm sometimes
Do you agree that salah should change his name to salad?
Mmm you inbox the smartest and most intelligent guy on your friends list ;) beat you will know me! am btw 19-20 yr old
You said guy, so it cant be Mohammad Ali, hes dumb as **** so is it Husain Albadry?
why don't you do something good instead of wasting time on here? there are a lot of jerks that asks stupid questions? like reading books..etc
True, inbox me whoever you are...
oh, I wasn't inviting you
then why did you ask in the first place?
Tonight. Fancy Romantic Date. Candles and ****.
Um no thanks :)
when you lost your virginity?
Im still a virgin
How big is you woody :D ?
Something for me to know and you to find out!
What is something youve done this year that you would have never thought of doing last year ??
Run away from home
Your a sick *****
aw thank you :P
What do you want to do when you leave school?
IT engineering
How many gfs you had?
2 and no more until i get married
Ok srs question.
Mango or watermelon?
5 fave girls
5 fave boys
Fav girls:
Alexia Charalambous
Vanessa Whitta
Tahlia Henson
Emma Ct
Caitlan Midgey
fav boys
Salah Mjalli
Mohammad Ali
Sergio Bargi
Mohammad Morad
Jamil Yunis
Do you like elephants?
I only like one of them! and thats you!
your pretty cool :D love talking to ya
aww cutie thanks :D and yeah i think i know who you are, love talking to ya too <3
Moey can u moey my lawn?
Hahaha sure inbox me :P