At what age, u lost ur virginity?
Add me on insta if u haven't already? Aditi1_ox ?? Aditi1_ox
Ek wil jou hard hard naai
I did already....go look
Would you Date someone if you met them on instagram?
How did it work out?
Using the word moist to describe a cupcake ? don't you know that's a bad word ?
Moist ??
If you were at the beach on a Greek island right now, would you be tanning topless??
Just do it
Whats ur insta? ?Really wuld wanna fckk u johh???x
Ain’t gonna happen
Can you unblock me on Instagram please
phetogo4685......many thanks
Whats ur insta? ?Really wuld wanna fckk u johh???x
What’s. yours?
Are you single because you’re shy and don’t wanna come across as like arrogant to guys?
So you basically just shag and move on then?
would you let me finger u
In my butt?
r u hor ny right now?
No...are you?
Please put that $exy af pic back up, now that everyone is talking about it I really need to see it?, you can always block comments:)
fck! Now I want to see this damn picture
ever m@sturbated?
All the time
Ever $exted before
24 year also $ex text
Would you rather have a bigger butt or bigger boo*s
I just want to bang You
What’s your Instagram name?
I just saw you....damn I would tap that A$$ ??
I would love to fck you
That’s a pity
What’s your Instagram name??
Yes I'm wanking already
I just wanna shag you, I promise
Nothing more nothing less
You need to have a wank dude
You seem nice but I see all this weirdo messages they disgusting but you are really nice and kind ?
It’s just $ex
In Cape Town
What’s your Instagram name?
How must I do so
Where are you right now?
I just followed you on Instagram
Check your DM
I want to $ex
Okay ?? come
Where you From
How old are you?
I’m in Durban at the moment
So no $ex tonight then
Instagram username
?? Who are first?
My dck is huge
Good for you
Do you want to fck a girl?
How about a black dude with a huge dck?
Would you fck a stranger
What if you found him very hot and you were *****?
You have a beautiful personality. And are absolutely drop dead gorgeous :)
You are gorgeous
What’s your favourite $ex position?
I would definitely love to find out!
When last did you have some crazy wild $ex?
Do you have a boyfriend?
Would you do a 1 night stand though
What Mood Are You in Right Now?
Do you have a boyfriend
I would love to daddy you