Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Ask me qs then :p
Jordan Micelli Michael joyce Dom i dont know who even is in year 11
I can't even remember hahaha ummmmm like Harry or bailey ?? There's a few but I just can't remember it's been a while !
Not that I can think of
Yeah I honestly do think I do
This is awfully rude anon, and this kind of makes you horrible yourself saying this. You say you aren't friends with Bridget so you obviously don't know her, and when you don't know someone, don't immediately go by what you hear, just stay kind :)
No it's not weird
Goes alright
Hahaha 97% ***** lil ****, but some are kewl :)
Ily Dom :)
We had like an off week but it's sorted now, we were never like fighting or anything but
Luv mi some candy
Who R U
I dont know if this is serious but if so who are you! :S
Of course not, why do you ask
Damn luv em both
He's my friend hahahah
Noooooo hahahahaha I was just joking about everything I said to do with him
Kieron Rose Charlie Fred Jake Danni
Angelica Brock Mathew Nicole Ryan sharni
Definitely me and Rashad lols
We're pretty much married....
Hmmmmmm Alisha definitely Alisha
I don't like anyone?
Well one time he asked for a sip of my smoothie so I gave him a sip of my smoothie and he said thank you and I said you're welcome and we became besties since
Hmm if you want to tone your stomach and it has excess fat, you'll have to do cardio along with strength training eg. Planks, crunches, with or without weights like medicine balls As with thighs, the same thing, cardio and strength training, eg. Squats, lunges. Low weights and high repetitions so that you tone them. High weights and low reps build mass so :) but you can't really spot reduce so you can't just aim to lose fat on your thighs, you have to work your entire body :)
How did I meet who
Lyk da hottest boi Eva
I love dem :p
Rani, Jeanne, Jonathan, Daz, Arnold, Ray, there's others I'm sure!
I probably love you too!!
Yes I do haha :)
Okay :')
Why hahaha
Love Rashad he's mah bestie :))
I can't just pick one
Michael Joyce
A few people actually! Dylan
There's not just 1 hottest haha but look here's from the top of my head Bungar, I actually don't know who is fob and who isn't, Craig, Jonathan, Michael, who is Latino I don't know :(, mark.
Boys backs muscles are beautiful. Or arms .... Or abs.. Let's be honest all boys muscles are beautiful
Mark Bungar Matt Lucas
I've been great what about you? Look I would but I don't know who you are ya know?
I will but who are you pls!!
Admire the hard work and determination they have to build dem *exy sculptures they have for bodies
I'm fine for now fanks
From sfx?
Meh idk not really haha
To every girl in Melbourne lol
Hurt me in many ways
Nope I really don't
No idea
that is so vague ... Hahah tell me more
Hahahaha aw come on tell me who you are :( even a clue?
Aw what how do you crush on someone you haven't spoken to! I guess I overestimated it hahaha
I don't even know anymore hahah Were we friends or ??
Bloody hell alright
What does your name start with? Haha
R Hahaha what like you left the school and moved or you were in the year above and finished?
Actually now that I think of it not that many hahahaha A
Seriously? Hahaha there's heaps... They're crushes .. You crush on lots of people
Spot on
He's lovely
T I dont know I've had heaps of crushes but
Ever? Yeah of course haha
Hahaha thank you, no I didn't
No I don't. I did for a long time when we ended, but not anymore. I literally don't have any sort of feelings for him. I don't like him, I don't dislike him, I don't hate him, I don't love him, I have literally 0 feelings. Sometimes I do want to just text him or something and catch up on whatever is new in his life. But then again, that's the thing. There is never anything new in his life except bad habits that I believe will never die. I guess I just wish him well. But yeah it's a very big breath of fresh air that he has no influence on my feelings/emotions :)
Because he's very difficult to deal with and I couldn't handle him any longer. If you knew him, you'd know he has quiet a bad reputation and for a long time I always had his back, sure that he would change, sure that I could change him. But nothing has changed and he is still the same, and I honestly have given up on him, I don't think he will ever change. So yeah that's why I'm very sure :)
Yeah. If you inbox me I'll tell you tbh hahahaha I don't mind. just so awkward if I post it on here
Nah I can't I'm sorry hahah
No he doesn't haha
Not really so far as liking them. Maybs a lil crush
So many ideas. What colour though?
Hahahahahhahahahahahahaahhahahhahahahaahhaahhahaahahahhaahahahahahahhahaha this is so funny if you get the joke
Yeah definitely! Always got my girls, would of gone mental without them!
4 lyf. What are you going as for swimming carnival?
That would be logical, but nope it's filipino :)
No I don't. And nah I never really regret anything. There's been some "what ifs". But at the end of the day I would never go back there, he is really difficult. he hasnt changed one bit and to have anything to do with him will have no good on me whatsoever so :) I'm past the stage of anger and I just wish him well :))
Get me wahh?
God no
Haha wtf
Go away pls anon
No thanks
No thank you
No thanks
No fanks
@happyhealthyjourney :)
Wot hahahha
I would not
Oh gosh I really don't know haha !
I actually thought about this for a good minute or two and I actually don't know tbh!
Love you Jessica xxxxxxx
You may