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Sam ✌
I don't give a **** if he's my dads age Leonardo dicaprio!!!
Sam, Rebecca, Lilli and chey
Miss ya too matey
His a good actor had me fooled so instead of hating him I'll give him an applause because i thought he actually cared about me, good game he played .
Defiantly not bec, she'll eat me ummm probably Cheyenne for some reason idk
Hehe x
Ahaha im not hot
I will find you and I cook you
Rebecca and sam for sure
My ****ing adopted sister! Beck I wouldnt even think twice
Thats not true but ohkay
Wha? Haha
Pfft I dont know
I would rather not
I would rather not name them, they probably know who they are.
To have done things differently with that someone
Love you too koala!
Umm I would have to say Sam, we're closer then ever I reckon.
I'm Greek and Spanish
Collingwood is ****hole
Sam should go for essendon
Yes I would
I'm alright bruh
Yeah I guess so, I'm a single Pringle!! ✌✌
Nope, that is not true.
Haha who's this?
Neck kisses!
No thank you
Nothing I'm just curious
I'm curious as to who this is
J.p, may I ask what your initials are anon?
Well s.m is one of em, and who is this? Haha
Interested in what?
Well it depends which ex, there's like 2 exes I would get back with but other then those 2 nope.
Working at street corners
Haha thanks
At least I'm up in the clouds!
Go take a few ribs out and **** yourself off
I like bacon... Yum yum
If you provide food, then yes. I will run away with you.
62 years of age, youngen.
Bahaha stuff the money, i do the craziest **** without getting money.
Greek zorba
Sammm and becca theyre both great ✌️
Ily samm
Do i?
I love both my Mum and Dad equaly
Thats no way to speak to a lady
I don't bath, I shower.
Ewww and owww
Hahaha the ****?
Singleee lyf!!!!
Yes I wouldn't even think twice, they're still human.
Ily x
Has to definitely be between Sam and Bec. Love them both so much.
Well I am now 62
Thanks but no thanks
Keep fantasizing mate, cause it's not gonna happen.
Game of thrones for the win
Thing*? And probably my stubbornness I hate it! But oh wells I cant help being a stubborn person.
Says koala
I actually don't know
Im the *exiest 61 year old out
Nah bub not that old
61 years young
The top thing has to be when something ****s up I always keep thinking about other ways I could have done it better and I hate when I do that. If that makes any sense
Couldn't give two ****s about what you have to say. I'm sorry its hard to believe in a man in the sky who helps people and an evil thing in the earth who punishes people. I like being Athiest alright.
I dont believe in god.
Which Jacinta
Nornally just lock myself in my room and play music.
Starts with m why?
Miss you too f*****
Girls has to be Lilly, Rebecca, Alesia and Chey. Guys has to be Ethan and Zac
Dont know and to be honest really dont care anymore.
Um don't really know her but she's nice
I_sell_pot (follow me)
I dont even know. When ever it happens it happens, and where ever it happens it happens
Haha thank you
Then why doesnt he talk to me? I swear guys are so hard to read!!!
Yes I do, he knows who he is even though his not talking to me at the moment.
A mixture between confusion and tiredness
Yeah and I'll keep those guys anonymous