I like it i like it a lot ( Accent)
Hahah... So Funny always Gets me:| :| =D
You are so Beautiful everything about you is Just amzin
Aww,. Thank you so Much realy means A lot xx ??
U da Mst Ugliest gal Ever
& you are the most Ugliest DOG ever :) :) x
Morgs u hv changed nd u Я so Beautiful.. -From D..
Awww... Thanks D.. Shweeet... Brah..
Can i B Lezbian wth u
Here's 6 words for you ...
1) GO
2) BE
6) MOM !!
Morgz you are loved by me A LOT
Aww... Thanks Chu... :p ??
Wats ur second name? If u hav one
FOXX with 2 Xs
YEAH ( Clap hands) STRANGER!!!!! YEAH!!
Fluffley puffs :D Dylanki
Really Dylan!! *
Are u where u want to be in ur life right now?
It Depends Because i wouldn't say I'm where i want 2 b edzacaly but.. I don't think i can Get any Happier
If u could hav one wish wat wud it be
Too Have MORE wishes :D:p
Hay M̶̲̥̅̊ў ßߟ ! ☺※¤ just wanted to pop in & say *̣̣ love yoi & G̶̲̥̅̊☺☺D̶̲̥̅̊ luck for exams xxx
Aww.. Thank you my baby you too i love you Most ** !!
What high school you going to?
Amanzimtotie HiGh SCHOOL ?? with SIanIII
Y R you SOOO HOT shane is so lucky 2 hv u
I dont know and I'm lucky to have him too
What school do you go to ?
Weltevreden Park Primary school
Hey morgz u soo pretti and I wish I was like uu!!!!!!!:)
Thank you very much (eyelash face)
If you and shane broke up who would you date in GB?
Nobody because I'm moving
Awww Morgz just wanted to pop in and say I LOVE YOU BEST FRIEND !* :D hehehe !* Brogzy
Aaw °? ? love you brogz too much more than words can say.. That's great you've made my qoohme look beautiful
Hello Morgan..awesome girl!!!!!!!!
*"?Hey*"? :D:p hehe
Who is ur celeb crush :p B-)
I don't Really know ... Ahahaha
Hay all you men out there :) stop all you shi*, NOW :) Morgsy is not a slu* or a hoe or anything so you little immature freaks that tune someone over some website then ur mentally retired:) Love u Morgsy ex oh ex oh <3
Hahhaha... NOT COOL hahhahahha... XOXO
So hum lifeless hobos out there leave my very gawk uses besti Morgsy and her bf shaniie alone before I hunt you down and stick a gold fish in ur the place where your brain is suppost to be . Oh yeah and it's me again domiiii!!! :D
Aww.. You so special DomiIiii hahaha...
Love you gawjuss causing Kai buddy ;) <3
? love you too :* :p ?
Haters hate and Morgan and Shane shall date you fat plate:D
Woohoo... Xxx
I saw you today and you ignored shane ┌Пâ”
Thats not cool
Ur mom ignored ur dad today that's Dic* bru
Shame morgz your Q me is so weird … /:) ....... Stay Awesome xxx #YNWA caylabrown
°? know right..haha.. & °? will :p
Morgan U are really beautiful xxx
Thank you xxx
You and shane are so cute u don't understand
*www.... Thank you .. ( Eye lash face)
Love u *Bestfriend*
? love you too best friend:*
I will never stop loving u u r so hot
Ok then...
I envy u
That's Rediculas .. Thers no point ..
Ya same I wil admit it I'm jelouse if u and everythng u hv in ur life
Don't be i have everything you have
s*ck ups its so stupid
Bit**es its so stupid
Ever since u came 2 da skwl ppl hv been Pushing me away
I'm sorry if its my fault.. PING!! Me so we can talk
I hv feelings 4 u
I wana touch ur legs
If I said u ugly wat wuld u do?
Everyone knows my answer to this i would say... Your moms ugly
U such a lamacorn :p =D hahaha
You such a Unicorn Haha
Y do so many ppl hate u?
Trust Me a Really wish i knew as well
Do u luv shane?
More then you can ever Imagine
Your moms hot <3
Sian and Brogan and Jade hate u they told me They using u because the feel srry 4 u (( shame
Your moms using you for money did you know that?
f*** u , f*** ur mom , u fcken Stupid slu* , U are a Stupid Hoe , and Must DIE
Oooo.... Do you kiss ur mother with that mouth..??
SIAN is a Bit** and a slu*
Is sian ur moms name Because i sure don't know another Sian Who is a Bit** or a slu*
I love ur smile , I cnt Stop staring when I see it
Thank you ..
I saw ur mom
I also saw her =D =D
I really dnt thnk shane likes u Morgz
Sorry I'm alergic to Bull shi*
I love shane
Well what a Cowinsidence .. So do i
Ur amazing
Why? & thank you ? ?
I love ur persomality plz never change 4 any1
I won't i promise
I have a Crush on someone with the initials M.J.F.P
Wwow.. I wonder who that is ...
Do u love me?
I don't know who you are so i can't say
Cutie pie I tell u
You said it
Morgan why you sending Qoohme's to yourself /:)
Psssh,.. °? don't know what you talking about .. Psssh!
shane deserves someone with big boo*s like me and an as* that he could shove his face in . which is mine
Here's some Advise if you want to do all of that stuff, you should go work in love land ... And tell ur mom that you want to stick ur Fat as* in peoples faces so you can do it to ur dad ..and that you also want to show off ur Fat Testicals That Hang from Ur chest off.. Like people would like too a Man do that,, LMAO
Why are you wishing me good luck
Aha.. Because you have to Get past me To get to shane ..
Why are you with shane anyway.?
Why are you Still Here??
Why won't you answer me . Are you imbarresed oÆ’ shane
The only thing °? should be embarresed about right now is that °? have somone like you on my BBM & Listen Nosey Parker why do you want to know shane & My business anyway ??
You and shane do not belong with Each other i Deserve him not you
Ok 2 words Good Luck..
You are my Role Model i want too be like you one day
Im Sure you already Better .. But thank you
Morgan.. I love yoi so Much you are so Hot nd se*y and like i siad before °̩ became lezbian the First time i met you
...Freaky... You need Help
The only slu*y person is yoi the anonymous talker -shane & she has turned Мƹ into †♓з happiest guy on Earth
°? ? love You So much BabYyyYyyY ? ? ? ? ? xxx
Dude seriously !* calling someone slu*y person when you don't know what you say can hurt someone * ! We all human beings we all have feelings , so stop trying to hurt others , - brogz
°? ? love You Brogzzie Lots :* <3
Omg !* this is quite entertaining on how so many of people are caring on someone else's life when you can't even take care of yours stop hating on Morgz and Teri , seriously your life won't get any better !*
They Just so Board they Must Ask There grandparents To teach them how to knit or Something Because they seriously are Very unhappy in life & ?oard
Shane look what Ur slu*ty Girlfriend Has Turned you into
Oooo... Do you kiss ur Mother with that mouth.. LMAO
Morgzie don\'t t listen to these bozos they just are bored & wana cause trouble anonymously becuz they r Dic*s or b**** & teri and morgan r bth αмαΣ!ŋǦ̩̥ people . So yoi can go join your to Albobo parents dring their oragasim - ƧhÏ Ð»Ð·
Thanks Shanie love you
u guys only hating on morgz& shane. Cuz thεy lyk justin bieber&selena gomez perfect couple both extremely hot&everyone wants em 4 themselves.. That's why their fans hate them as a couple!!So stopping being fans.& more on with UR life teriiiiii
? love you Teri <3
Listen here dat anonymous little Bit**!Stop hating on me&morgz cuz ur jealous... Grow a fking pair X but listen here we might be *****s!! But it seem to bother u!!* why is that ?? AÑε you Lesbo cuz you shouldn't give a f*** wat we do(enough said) !! teriiiiii
BURN Bit**es
He is digusting Morgan. U can do better
Bru .. This can get ugly . I'm warning you ..
Stop f***ing making statements that arnt true!!! You all are jealous Bit**es because you slu*s & morgan is amazing!! To all you haters... f*** you once & f*** you twice!
Thank you ... Ur a Legend haha ?
Why u dating Shane? EwE
Why you alive ewe
Stop sticking up for Morgan Teri There's no point .. This is why you both are Friends Because you Both slu*S and need a Life go be a Prositute Somewhere else Teri and Morgan you *****s
Bit** you just Crossed the Line .. Come say That to Teri & My face then we will see who is The ***** here !! Please grow Up & Get a Life Because the only Prostitute,*****,slu* here is YOU! So Ill be here To Buy you ur First Pregnancy Test in a couple of Months Bit** ..
Ðεч :) morgz don't listen to these losers okay ang...!* thεy not even worth thε time some people aÑε just jealous that you have an amazing bf :* mwah stay awesome lots of love Terii* (p.s all you Dic*s and chicks grow up) x x teriiiiii
Thank you so much My sista<3 ? love you so much..
Jade Likes shane a lot Morgz :( and Shane likes jade A lot Morgz don't get mad I'm telling you as a fwend <3 u have a Competition now Morgan u better do something before something does happen
I'm not mad
What you going to do about you and shane when you move :p
We are going to Try Long Distance :D :( & if its Ment to Be then it will carry on but I'm not going to throw away What we have just because I'm moving.. ? xxx
Shane and Morgan have kissed from Asanda
:D :D Asanda LOL !! *****
U don't even like Shane ... And most people know it .. You're only friends with Brogan and Sian and Jade because of Shane... You're fake... you are only dating him caz he is rich ... That's so Dic*... Love.. One of Shane's (MANY) ex's ..
Ya .. Because you are God & Know Everything LMAO.. Bra You have to do better then that .. OMW its So Childish it makes me Wana Puke .. Haha..
Morgan its Shane i don't want to tell you in person so °̩ will tell you on Qooh Me Its not working out we have been dating for long now & you moving anyway so sorry we can be friends
OMG! Dude are you seriously that ?oard don't you have Anything better to do in ur life haha.. You so sad you should go learn to knit or something because you seriously are VERY Board & Have nothing better to do with ur life! LOL.. Its so sad . Haha..
Ooooh tjo tjo tjo oooohh eh eh eh
Very Funny Ryan.. :p hahaha
Lol Shane & morgan have not kissed =D if that answers your question
How much mony does ur Parents make
You know shanez a playa ?
You know ur moms cheating on ur so called dad bru..? & ur oppinion is not needed..(Y)
U guys R not meant 4 eachodar
& you not meant to be on the planet.. But we can't help that now can we?? Haha
Why yoi and shane d8ting so long ????
Because we Happy Chappies .. <3 <3 & we Ment to be together !! Woohoo
Shane likes this gal called Elaina he told me so
I also Like Elaina From Vampire Diaries :p
Just want 2 know
ŜØ how many times have υ kissed him
;) ?
How many times have υ kissed shane on Ţħę lips
& You need to know this why?? Haha..
Yoh you tuning my parents now well atleast i have a dad
Are you sure about that . I think you need too sit ur mom down & ask her about ur other mother that made you !!
Yoh... Did you see shane kissing that Chick today behind the Tuckshop.. It was Really bad It looked like They Really liked eachother
Aww... Shame ur mom will Go back to ur dad sometime** we don't need to know ur life story & worries Bru (y)
Morgz u reli hot nd I wish u new hw much I like u!!!
Thank you * :p ?
If Shane Died who would ΥOU date
°? would .... Be a Widow
What. High school Ï… going 2
Amanzimtoti High why? :p
Who was Ï…Ò‘ last boy friend??
This one Dic* head called J.J
Hayy morrrrggggzzzz i just wanted to say that um .... I really love who youu are and i wish you could notice me at school
PING!!! Me please :p
Hey , Morrrrggggzzzzz !! Your really Pretty my Angel and really sweet ! :) ({}) !
Aww.. Thank you ( hug) xxx
Can Ï… list any Gr5s plz :D
Ahhmmm.... Joshua, Cameron , Tiara that's all °? think
Hadez morgz u n Shane (n)
English Please ..
Ok everyone shut the hell up ok :D you are all idiots thinking anyone is going to full for ur bull shi* nNk :D so shut up =] because Shane+Morgz aint breaking up ,they actually love each other you dumbas* Bit**es ..... Gen ♡
Aww.. Thank you so much it Really means a lot to me .. :D =D xx