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ronaldo tiago luiz


don't be shy :p ask me anything in the world but please no rude :|

19 Replies

Dd u d8 @ grl naimed angie I dink dats hw u spel it.

Yes :P

Mr.Luiz14 replied 4147 days ago

Ronaldo......You are to amazing ;;)x never change yourself for anyone :D I miss you ({})

Thank you Miss.Lopes :px miss you too({})stay beautiful ;;)x

Mr.Luiz14 replied 4153 days ago

Hey se*y :*

Hey :p

Mr.Luiz14 replied 4153 days ago

Hey :D you beast we must go to olympia tomorrow and do what we did to braga =D good to be chatting to you bro (y)

Sho alezio :D no dude=D no more vandalism......=D see you later bro (y)

Mr.Luiz14 replied 4153 days ago

Dd u D8 @ gal nmed angei?

No =D haha don\'t know a angei???

Mr.Luiz14 replied 4154 days ago

Who hve u d8ted dis year?

Umm ping me and ill tell you :p

Mr.Luiz14 replied 4155 days ago

Hw many raletionships hve u been in dis year?

Um just two ey! :p

Mr.Luiz14 replied 4155 days ago

Mr Luiz*:D<3..Hehe umm I don't know what to sayX_X*hard to believe right?lol anyway..Don't ever change for anyone,K?*;):D
Love Angie;;)

Hey angie :p yea it is hard to believe :D you never shut up.... haha just jokes :p I won\'t ;)

Mr.Luiz14 replied 4155 days ago

Hey you fool. One two three.. s*ck my feet babezzz:* stay amazing;) bhyyeee now..

Hey kayleigh =D nah not today (y) maybe another day :p =D stay amamzing <3

Mr.Luiz14 replied 4155 days ago

Hey '_' how you :-D Mr.Luiz14

Hey :p I\'m good thanx :D

Mr.Luiz14 replied 4155 days ago

Wen did u date alexia lopez?

Umm not too long ago ey! :p

Mr.Luiz14 replied 4155 days ago

Hello:D Mr.Luiz14

Hey :D

Mr.Luiz14 replied 4155 days ago

Hello ;;) guess who this is xx
Just wanted to spread some love ♡ xx
Stay amazing ;) ♥ x alex_theof

Hey alex ;;) good to be hearing from you again ;) stay amazing ;;)x and I promise I haven\'t been ignoring you :Dx

Mr.Luiz14 replied 4155 days ago

Hey yo what's up apples oh no a banana a bana and freeze :| and do it again :D woop woop

Hello random :D

Mr.Luiz14 replied 4156 days ago

Hey bro :D Mr.Luiz14

Hey :D

Mr.Luiz14 replied 4156 days ago