Thoughts on meee!? Jesseyy
Do you watch gay p*rn?
Alll the time
Come here and **** me senseless
Sounds goood, lel
What pisses you off the most?
Jews, negroes and you
How do you tell between mushrooms?
There are many ways, inbox me privately and I shall explain.
Which celebrity would you leave your girl or boyfriend for?
I wouldn't, relationships aren't something you end at the drop of a hat, Jesus, what type of question is this?
Sick of english yet?
You ****
What is your nickname?
Hatter, Because im mad
How long would you like to live for?
A good 70+ Years xD Not going to happen though.
Let's s*ck ourselves into adventure time and have an adventure !!
**** YEAH
-**** ingredients great- lel -**** boys -cats - lebs -****s- bobys big ****
Is it true that you cheated on your girlfriend with your ex last week ??
Nope, i have no idea where that rumour even came from, i haven't so much as spoken to my ex in weeks.
Would u do http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iK7N8B9r2C8
All day erry day
I it true that you cheated on your girlfriend with a guy ?
Yi brah, up da bummmmmmmmmmm
sorry, like a cm deep cone, 1 tab of lsd,
what would you seee tripper
Whats the dosage on the tab?
You dont "see ****" on LSD
yummy yummy yummy i got love in my tummy and ...
I feel like loving you
If you had 3 cones and a quarter LSD
What would you see?
3 cones? Well that depends on a lot of things, the size of a cone, the strength of the weed ect. And what do you mean a quarter LSD? You need a dosage, 100ug? 50ug? You aren't making any sense.
Are you a *ex king? Coz I'm a *ex queen.
**** yis xD
How awesome are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
Do you want to learn Russian together then?
That sounds lovely.
do you know any other languages?
I'm not fluent in any others, no, although i would like to learn Russian and Gaelic as they are both the languages from my heritage. :)
How much does your dealer charge for a few tabs?
Nah brah, none
Do you think a*exuality is a true *exual orientation?
I don't think it a-*exuality is a *exual orientation at all. it means you don't have a *exual orientation
Do your english work ****er
What class you in?
Study u
How was your first kiss like ?
It was cool i guess.
Plugging Ket, yay or neigh?
Yay, Yay every time.
Such a bad as* Adam, Wow...
i no rite
We don't talk but I think you're awesome
Awh fanks :33
Get off your phone and do your work (;< Jesseyy
Shhhhhhhhhh ;3
Who do you miss right now?
All muh Adelaide buddies
Come away with me, in the night
"You ARE obsessed with drugs"
You- "no I'm not *explains*
"Yes you are. I know everything"
It's like saying Adam your last name isn't Healey so **** you hahah
Lel.. Lel... Much lol, people are so quick to judge
That made no sense, man...
La la la laaaa
If I was soil and you were a seed, would you plant yourself inside me?
....um...Im not sure how to react to this.
What do I have to do to see you naked.
Use imagination.
Ive been sober since thhe end of last year,....
if your life doesnt revolve around drugs why is your name shroomery/mracidcat and why do you constantly post about drugs on facebook and tumblr huh????
I like the culture, i like psychedelia, doesn't mean my life revolves around drugs. It moreso revolves around school music and my girlfriend.
i dont do psychedelics how dare you
Yes you do :3
Thoughts on Sasha Enever?
She is really lovely :3 And gives great hugs.
What is your favorite piece of clothing?
Tie dye :3
I actually would give anything to see you naked
Well come here my dear
"My life doesn't revolve around drugs, but herb is my source of happiness"
My life doesn't, it was a joke. Serotonin is my source of happiness
you are the biggest **** in Albury...
you ****ing legend @@
Use spaces between letters man, i cant understand what you are saying D:
If nixy asked nicely would you slide your big black **** in his b*m?
Why do you like big black ****?
Becuz brrah, it sah big and gahhhhh
what does MrAcidCat mean???
Already answered this xD
I love cats and acid, and one time i was on LSD and someone gave me these fake cat ears to wear, and the name just stuck
im confused why is your name shroomery ?????? but your name is adam ??????
Because, shrooms are gr9
why are we little trippers???
Because, you like psychedelics, you use one every night,
why is your name mracidcat???
Because, i like cats and acid :3
Your father's name?
i do your so annoying with everything shut up and leave.
Awwwwwwwh do you want me to shut up and leave? awwwwwh im not going anywhere.
lel, ermahgerd u r sech a fggt, nd lyk no1 lyks u .
u r lek sah anoyan.
OMG **** OFF
Awwwwwwwh do you want me to fuc,k off?
Why do always **** dogs and cats????
Whats wrong with nixy?
hes pregnant
you're cute (*´∀`*)
Fanks babe
Your source of happiness?
Why are you such a spanky hunk?
Coz Yolo
has an alb*m/song ever made you cry? i'm just asking because it just happened to me. (sorry if i sent this twice)
Yeah, pretty sure there are many.
What do you believe in, as in religion wise?
I believe many different things man, abit of satanism, a bit of buddhism and then a heap of paganism, i believe in several deities.
do u and nixy take b*m drugs?
Yeah, all day erry day
friends dont date other friends exs, but i guess that makes you a ****ty friend hey
And why the **** not? If i like somebody and i want to have a relationship with them, then why should it be forbidden just because she was dated by someone else? Thats not fair at all, Tom dated Tahlia, ethan did **** with her, yet now davids dating her? And thats okay? No its not, so stop with your complaining.
Why do you talk about freedom of speech then get mad if someone comments on your status with a differing opinion?
I talk about freedom of speech if it harms no other.
"If it harms none, do what ye will"
your friend group hate you, what you did to luke was terrible and i actually cant believe that you still have the amount of friends that you do.
I don't have a friend group? Like, nixy and tom, maybe Alex, are my only mates from there, the others hate me and i'm okay with that.
What did i do to luke? Hmm? Can you actually tell me?
You silly child, go take your meds, it may make you calm down a little.
you had *ex with tayla, while getting *exual things from niki, while ****ing your gf too?
how do you even get all the girls.
your gf is a **** xoxox
Actually, i broke up with taylah and never touched her again after that, then niki and I had a fling, I wasn't dating anybody when that happened. Then i started to talk to Liss and we liked each other, so we started dating and i havent touched anybody else since,
you think your funny but no your just annoying, please stop now.
I don't think i'm funny, i simply find these amusing.
Do you guys play three guys one Nixy
nope, we play soggy nixy, everybody gathers around and wanks, last one to *** on him has to lick it off
how often does nixy **** in your mouth
Only on thursdays
Would you root Tayla Brown for $10 XD
Nope? I have a girlfriend and im happy with her.
Would you give nixy a rimmy for a shroom
Id do it for free
i herd nixy fingers your gf when you arent looking
nah, nixy doesnt like da chicks
Do you ever wear Nixys neckbrace for fun
All the time, and sometimes, when im feeling really naughty, i even put on his leg brace.
Heard your girlfriend gave you a foot job haha lol
Twas gr8
have you ever s*cked nixys ****
every day :3
Saw you having a cig outside pcyc. good job
Fanks :3
you are a mess
No, I'm a human.
how often do you eat shrooms and them jam them up your coight
I don't do Psilocybin mushrooms.
seriously shut up you make this status everyday..
or all your status' are about drugs and stupid **** that you think you know everything.
please stop as your annoying.
i can make whatever status i want :)
Actually, that statement is completely incorrect xD
You seem stressed, did you forget to take your meds today? xx Calm down my dear.
I used to trust you so much but lately you've been kinda off, I don't know what to think of you anymore..
Hmmmm, why don't you inbox me man? We can sort this **** out.
Your Girlfriend Is ****.ING HOT like ridiculously HOT. how the ****. did you get her, She is ****.ing beautiful
Agreed, i'm just an incredibly lucky guy.
What are your plans for the future?
**** knows man, there are many.
Have you at any time had homo*exual thoughts for another man?
Do you get off to gay p*rn?
All da tyme brah
you think you know everything and its annoying. Please stop xoxox
I don't think i know everything? Not once in my life have i claimed to know everything unless it was a sarcastic comment.
do you even exhale ?
....I don't understand the question... Like seriously, do you go down to the servo and buy a coke, take one sip from that coke and spit it out? No, i thought not, so why should cigarettes be any different?
because youve always think your right when your not?
Nope, i don't, name one situation when i've said i was right and was wrong? If i get proven wrong i happily admit that i'm wrong, and learn from that mistake.
your gf is a ****
Oi Assbutt, be nice.
but you think your 'knowledgeable' on every subject stfu
No, i actually don't think i'm "knowledgeable" on every subject, only a select few.
To be honest I don't think you're bi*exual, I think you just label yourself as that because you want to be 'special' and 'individual'
Think what you want man xD I know what i am, and guys are ****ing fun.
Your existence really aggravates me.
And yours, me.
shut up with your status' there annoying.
please stop. xoxo
I shall post what i want my dear xxxxx