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Luke Danté Hardwich


knock yourself out! just remember though, i bite back ;)

179 Replies

Can't wait to get married to you grow old together siting on our rocking chairs watching our grandchildren playing around
Oh the stuff we speak about :p

I can't wait either, it'll be like a dream come true :P we got some gooood times ahead of us ;) you should drop the douchebag and get someone that can treat you properly ;)

MrDante replied 4110 days ago

U dated* such ((w h o r e)). [THat TaRyN gIrLy]

Sweety, you have noooooo idea.

MrDante replied 4135 days ago

Don't you find it weird that you look like a actor.... :p

Maybe I am an actor :P

MrDante replied 4285 days ago

5 YeaRs &I'm stiLl not Bored wif youR craziNess :p yoUr a Real special peRson Dante' *bBm eyelashes face-Y* keEp up tHe greAt worK, your pretTy damN cloSe to perfect panDa boii* :) :)<3

Thaaaaanks RayRay^^

MrDante replied 4285 days ago

Your pretty hot ;;)

Oh stoppit^^

MrDante replied 4285 days ago

Lukie :(
I miss our chats meani!
But don't worry I still love you !!

I miss our chats too!!
But its your fault you don't talk to me <3

MrDante replied 4368 days ago

My pimp daddy(:

Well just wanna drop byy and say thank you for being soo dahm awesome & Like always being a really good friend, Like almost 3 yearss now I\'ve knownn you:)
I lovee you more thanx coffee & life itself<3

Oh Leani, you're such a cutey face(:

Been your friend has been nothing but a pleasure^^

Might not sound like a lot, but those were some epic 3 years, and I know I got a friend for life<3 (:

Love you like I love panda's and waffles^^

MrDante replied 4368 days ago

You are a very sweet guy :) you know that ? ;)

Aww shucks^^ and you're pretty epic yourself :D

MrDante replied 4386 days ago

Awesome chat today !

Thanks for being such an awesome persone

Love you big Amounts

You know who :)♥

Always good to have a chat with you, been awhile since last we have(: & hey, its nothing but a pleasure^^
Love you hugeness(:

MrDante replied 4386 days ago

You super cute, but you never talk to me.. :(

I'm sorry sweetface(: yeah I get that complaint quite a lot to be honest. I get really busy sometimes, so ping me or something when I ignore you(: mmkay!!? (:

MrDante replied 4386 days ago

[YOO] R* AMAZIN!!!! Xoxo

And you're pretty damn awesome yourself^^
Stay cool stranger :P

MrDante replied 4386 days ago

Where have you been all my life? ;)*

Rockin' with Panda's :D like durr :P

MrDante replied 4386 days ago

Lukke!!;;):*<3 ♡

Missing talking to yoOu!!:* Miss u!!:*

One day we gonna get married!!:*

Love u Luke ;;) ♡

Keir xx


I miss you stax sweetyface(: nice surprise to get a qoohme from you^^
Hopefully I'll see you sometime soon, then we can go through the wedding plans XD.

Love you too missy(:

MrDante replied 4386 days ago

Lukie !!! I missed your as* at school 2day loser did not evan get a hug :| ! !

Stay awesome!!!

LovieZ you know who <3

Aww shucks^^ now you got me feeling all special(:
Well, I promise tomrrow you'll get loads of hugs tomorrow :D

Love you too sweety <3

MrDante replied 4416 days ago

Will you dance with me in the rain? :P hehe

I will dance with you on a frikken' RAINBOW! :D

MrDante replied 4416 days ago