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To get what u want tou gotta work hard but something u really really gotra work hard for and at the risk of still not getting what u want
Rite now no nut i do get lonely at times like eveeyone else dose
Super dooper happy lol ☺
I think ive heard that name before what band plays it?
Omg that song on repeat will kill any1 hahaha
Ya never gonna bring me down
Idk what song tour refering too lol
Shaunys back, back again hahaha
Makes the medicine go down
Nah but u sure do lol ???
I am fantastic thanks for asking ?
Omg who are you gonna marry????
Havnt been on here for a while so isk what your on about haha
For quite some time now? Lol
Well the colour can change lol
Bahahaha thanks old mate roflmao
Go ahead fosnt mean ill andwer hahaha
I see heaps of people on a dailie basis haha
Played you? sorry dont play if u keep saying stupid sht im gonna just ignore it lol
Not long ago
Maybe maybe not lol haha
Hard to tell wheather im being sarcastic or not
Who is this girlfriend im supposed to have not have? I never said anything of the sort and why waste time leading a woman on?
I wont cause i dont have to share and no i dont play women tha kyou very much
What girl are you talking about?
What girl are you talking about?
Thats for me to know ?
It said u poked me and i poked you back ??
That will be reaveal when i am ready to sgare it with the world
Haha nah i poke whoever pokes me lol
I dont think so ??? but what context are you prefering to haha
Well after i have left this world hahaha
Not long ago when i found got some certain information ???
Depends who YOU are ???
Dying alone
3 people saying they have seen me in 3 different locations all at the same time ??
Cant remember the movie but remember last show was spartacus absolutely love it
Sleep in lol
Hmm could be anything from a simple message or to a weekend away really all depends tbh
Of course i would be. Its simple if u want just $ex say so if u want a relationship say so from the get go. I do t see it hard
No tactics just sit and talk it over.
shtty? Lol
No i cant say i have and when we are young we learn from our mistakes and also if u cant trust someone in the firstplace then why bother with them in that way to begin with? Everyone deserves a chance to prove thier worth its upto the other person which way they go about it
For everyone to understand one another
Knowing apple probably not ???
Happy cause who wants to ever be sad?
Last lie hmmm mum asked if i had lunch and i said yes when i didnt cause i didnt want her to waste time making me food lol
She knoes ? well i hope she dose ??
I can be happy while in a relationship and not in one. Happiness comes in many different forms and you dont have to be in a relationship to be happy.
Cant really answer that cause that depends on the eyes of the beholder but for me it could be anything from there looks to there personality.
Well thats a hard question but probably not 1 love caise if u look at it some people will love one person but things dont go well but then meet aomeone else and feel the same about them its just the way of life
Im pretty sure she knows i hope haha
I hope so lol
Long enough
Smart beautiful can make me laugh and dosnt judge me and accepts me as a person
As much as id hate to admit it im never prepared for loss and rejection
Yes i am. When people have told me secrets i keep them or they need me i am there
Will you be my always and forever.
Only when its a friend and on the cheek as in a hello kinda way haha
I like both cause its not the hair that makes the person :)
No can not say i have
Ive done that but not to only a girl ive even told guys/friends that only cause the girl didnt want people to know. If that counts lol
Lol a playa? Oh please i dont have enough time to relax let alone be a bloody playa and besides a playa takes to much time effort and money
Hmmm yeah i have but in al honesty you cant help how your feelings towards people. You just have to make your own choice on gow you proceed with it
Do you mean seeing more than one girl?
Lol yeah im a male i dont like being wrong lol but ur not specific about the type of lie
Yes i have well i believe i have been
I have a feeling i know who actually likes me but i wont 100%know till they say something
Depends where u with me during it or whatching from affar lol
Hmm idk tbh.
Why dont you tell me who you are lol
This is going back a while if my shocking memory works lol but u were nice sweet and i thought you were the bees knees haha
Well tell me who you are instead of annon might help your cause lolol
Really that would depend qhat we both like for instance/example a nice weekend away to lakes entrance or a day at the hot springs with diner and hotel or even the crown for the day and night. Depends on finds plus what we both would like to do together.
Yes indeedy i do :)
Whatch tv shows lol
Of course i like stacey its my sister or if ur referring to the stacey that commented on my post of this thing then yeah of course i like her onown her for quite a few years now been good friends :)
If thats you stacey shh woman ???
The game love that song oh and tenthousand fists
No way José thats just terrible bad form
Love love love disturbed and five finger feath punch is really good too
Ifk who this is so im gonna ask who is this? Prob only question i can ask haha
Words to what exactly? Lol
Yeah o have when i was in school though of course i had it done to me more times than i can count. I recommend any guy reading this please dont its not a nice feeling.
At the moment full metal alchemist brotherhood idk why even though its an anime ahow the story is absolutly amazing
Now thats a tough one all of them are pike super $excy.i cant decide i guess im greedy ????
Rite now no. Im in bed whatching a movie ready to pass out lol
If it was someone that thought i liked them then they would ask me straight out as knowing im a blunt person
Sad to say and i feel terrible about it but yes i did when i was bery young not that this is a good excuse but i didnt know better as a teenager :/
Tbh what would u classify as a crush? How can u have more than one crush? Its like being married and saying I love my wife but i also love all these girls ???
Well if she is my friend id tell her thankyou for being apart of my life which im sure my female friends already know :) if its a girl i like like then id say hot dayumn baha ??
My fav song rite now hmm thats a ruff one. Probably a place for my head by linkin park :)
Current crush? Im pretty sure they know who they are :p haha