Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Cleaning, School work, and Life.
Nissan GTR 12
My family, and all of my Gaming gear ;p
Inside of a killer whale. (Y)
City and Colour - Comin' Home
An Owl.
Mum, dad's a dead beat he can just **** right off.
Way to much.. way to much..
All my video game gear.
Game of Thrones. What kinda question Is that?
Probably my Xbox when the slim first came out, It was around 399$
Dub Dub?
Asking Alexandria "someone somewhere"
Uh I don't know?
Thank you!
Uhhh, Not really wanted one :/
Gaming :o
It would be nice to chat or see them, but I rather choose to let them live there life as they are now. With no bother's from me.
I am sorry, for the pain I put you through.
I miss my old friend's.
Does it matter?
It's not worth the blood nor tear's. If you really wanna know ask me personally not over some site.
Umm, damn.. uh... was long time ago, She.. and I felt happy, there's no true word to describe how happy I was... but that was so long ago..
I haven't been In love with anyone for a long time.
I am not dating anyone
So are you going to kill me?
No one, really :/
Life I live my friend. I caused it apon myself. Everyone hating me is normal now, im happy with what friends I have now. May not be alot, but it's better then being alone
Very well, I will respect you for that, I just wanna say this. I never lie about my feelings towards anyone. If one day I am giving you so much attention, and the next day I am nothing but dead., don't think I was playing with your emotions. I just probably got the feeling I wasn't wanted around. For what ever pain I put you through Sorry,I know saying sorry won't change the damage I did but I hope it will mean something. I know I can be a major douche bag. But if you really know me then you will understand that behind the douche bag Is someone who cares. Anywho have a good night sorry for making your life a living hell for when I did. don't worry one day Karma Will kick my A.S.S. That's why I keep myself away from people that I fall for.. I am saving the same thing you went through.. Good night Anonymous.
You want an answer? Ask me. Stop hiding behind a screen..
People that's just attempted to make other's people live's ****, cause they aren't happy/
I always wanted to try an Iphone out
Did I tell you to never come back.?
It's hard to ignore them, They don't stop. Everyday, Every other hour. Don't be sorry. Never say your sorry to me, there only one person In the world that needs to do that.
Thank you
Okay, I'll try. Sorry If I ever offend you random person?
Sorry, that sometime old feeling spark. I just get lost in my mind, I am sorry. Guess I am just a terrible person? right like everyone on here say's.
I don't ignore anyone? Sorry sometime I can't stop and say hi, but when I do I try. but usually that never work's. I am always busy I try to make time for everyone. Sorry that sometime's I can;t do that. If I am causing you that much problem's, Just tell me and I'll stop.
If I say much, Then I mean it. I don't say stuff an expect wake up the next day forgetting about it, I go to bed with what I said. I wake up the next morning with the same feeling's I had the day before.
If I knew who you were this would be alot eaiser, there's only a few people I acutally have honest feeling's for, the other's just assume I do.
I don't **** with anyone's feeling's? I am sorry, that my feeling's might not be the same as you'rs?
You know, I try to make friends with all the people that hate me, or give them space an let them live there life, but how can a person live, with the thought of someone wanting them dead? like I don't wanna die, nor do I plan on it.
Really? Cause there only one person I know that, ran away when she couldn't handle it, when she had someone here. Maybe I was wrong for you loving you, But I am sure I never told you to kill yourself? Why would I say that just because I made a mistake on loving you? I am sorry, I ain't all perfect I try to care for people, I really do. I don't wanna hurt people I hate it. so Don't worry I am doing the world a favor by pushing everyone away so I stop hurting people, Maybe yea I blocked who ever you are out cause I was doing you a favor. I don't regret loving you, I just regret what ever pain I caused you, but that doesn't mean I need to be harrased 24/7 on here, If you got a problem message me and don't say you can't cause I don't have anyone blocked on Facebook. So next time you wanna target me cause your mad at the crap I caused don't do It in public, private message me so you can tell me how much a waste of space I am, don;t hide. Cause it doesn't solve anything because all it will do it make you more inraged and keep on hating. Once again sorry for what ever I did. Now just please stop? I gave you space, Don;t you think I deserve mine?
If you say so, I know what I did. Your just some random who doesn't have anything better to do. GG
I honestly don't have any mistake's, maybe some of the people I've dated. But there not mistakes. Just the choices I made with them. (No one take offence to this).
Man what? W.h.o.r.e? I haven't dated anyone since 2012 so F.U.C.K YOU
Yea several. But eh what can you do right? #FriendZone
thanks man!
You must really have nothing better to do. you're grammar is said.
thank you <3
Thank you <3 This is why I love having great friends :3
thank you! <3 I'll keep ignoring there hate!
Thank you, that's another person who's backing me!
See here's proof that people want me^ and thank you for backing me up! <3
Money, you can earn. Love you can't.
Everyone* and No I am good ^_^ thank's for the tutorial but I have no reason to end my life I love it :D xx Keep the hating coming <3 Did you know, that when you send an anonymous question In the I.P still get's sent, you just have to be a developer in order to see. Have a wonderful day :D
Yea an your a person hiding behind a computer screen (Y)
It's people like this that give me hope In the human race, I wanna thank you stranger/friend!. This mean's alot xox Thank you! If I knew who you were I would thank you everyday!
Nobody love's you, and I have thousands of people that love me you tramp! <3 I AM WANTED. And you probably one of my pathetic ex's. Who can't find happiness cause you sleep around with everyone guy you meet, cause you can't find someone who want's you, so you ***** yourself out!
That was so ****ing beautiful!
Yea that's what they all say (Y) And get the **** off my twitter <3
You mad bro?
Did you mum not love you enough? It's otay, you'll find a man ***** sooner or later that will treat you like ***** an rip your heart out you ****ing **** ^_^
ask her what >.<
I know it's pretty clever :p
XD this is turning into not
Hehe :$
Yea, doesn't really seem like it when all I get Is hate -_- really feel "Loved"
Tsk Tsk, Do you speaking English you Twat?
Tardis, and the Car that fly's In harry potter. :3
Several thing's.
Thank you (:
Thank you :3
Cheezy :D
Iphone 9
Idon't know, really don't care for that show o.O
Blaaahhhh, Surprisingly nothing
Doctor Who
Well since it just started none.
I really don't remember it,
You do what you need to do, I am doing what I need to do. You have all you need in your life. Removing me from the equation should affect anything.
Sometimes to get better, i have subtract people from my life.
We barely talk, beside's. I needed to do it.
All my old friends..
Grand Theft Tardis Shirt :3 #DoctorWho
I totally forgot about him... Uh mike.
I am single, I will say this once, and only once. I AM SINGLE. I only date people In the same town.
Not taken, Single.
My fans.
I did.
Just 1 penny
Uh a person
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