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Meat lovers pizza or Canadian pizza
Yeah, my *exiness just keeps overflowing!!
What's failure?
A whole whopping 3 inches ;)
Nope, I enjoy being single
Dora! She's got every thing I need inside her backpack!!
Idk! We're too close of friends
Hair, definetly hair.
Of course!
I guess I'll mop it up!
Is both an option?
Hahahhaa thanks!!!
Lol not tonight
Very carfully
Hahaha I know right!!
Didn't know I was but alright will do.
Penny for the poor??
Healing factor
Inbox me and maybe I'll tell you
Hahahaha!!!! Good times!!!
Of course! Why not? Unless they go to a school in like Russia, I don't do long distance
Cuz I don't wanna
Yeah they do, I have lots of them, don't you see all my freckles?
it looked like a slice of pizza!! Ok!!
Because I am part legend
Maybe ;)
Hahaha hate to get your hopes up, but I'm straight
Yeah but I don't have a chance
Anyone who is nice, has a good sense of humour and has a good musical side.
Thank you!!!!
McDonald's anyone?
i wish i knew who you are lol
Really pretty!! One of the nicest people I know, but too good of a friend to date
She's a pretty cool cat! Haven't seen her in forever though! Kinda wish she went to central lol
Glad to know someone's laughing at my jokes!! Hahahahaha
Thanks!! I do my best!!
Pleasantly plump** and it was supposed to be a compliment but I'm sorry that I'm not smooth with the ladies, I'll try and work on that for you
F-a-g?? Hahaha sorry man I'm straight
No order. Georgia Woodly, Natalie Salter, Laura Guy, Paige Bryn, Tessa Sebben, Ella Finklesomething
Inbox me and I'll tell you
Greg Brand, Landon Smith, Michael Benoit
Dont know any names
i do my best!!
not sure, sometimes i dont even notice
twice the number of freckles i have on my whole body
yeah 17 times
only on tuesdays
No order Georgia Woodley, Ella Finki-dontknowherlastname, Natalie Salter, Tessa Sebben, Paige Bryn
HEAD TURNER!!!!! She is really pretty!! dont really know her personally though but she seems really nice.
Thanks :)
probably just kiss, im too scarred to go any further