SOOO ? I heard what happened ? Yaz_adams
You were there lmfao?
You and safiya arent best friends you dont swear eachother you dont diss eachother you guys should date
We are just best friends rn okay? and just like how we ''should" date yiu "should" mind your own business ??
You and safiya should date
You get along well and also you besties so like go for it you guys would make a cute couple and also you not a total A$$hole like all her other boyfies
Lol mind your own business?
And thanks i guess.....
Why dont u hit tilly up?
i want a snail as a pet tbh they look so amusing ?❤️ Sxf.yyxh
Safzy why have a pet when we have eachother?❤ we slow snails ??
slow snail is here ?❤️ Sxf.yyxh
Yay my slow snail buddy?❤
imagine a lawnmower that works on its own , omg saves us he trouble of mowing SO much ‘grass’ ?❤️ hahaha get it get it ? Sxf.yyxh
I get it best lmao and we could also use that for our friend hey...lets not mention names?❤
if fish die in water does that mean they drown ? ??? Sxf.yyxh
Omg famm !!! ??❤ thats is so truuu it probs drowned !!
gymzo budzo gainzo ??❤️ Sxf.yyxh
Yaaassss?❤ see yah there best ?❤
so i’m here , AGAIN ?❤️ Sxf.yyxh
And my qooh has been blessed AGAIN??❤❤❤
olaaaa comastas ?❤️ Sxf.yyxh
Conichiwa ?❤
i hope i find a chocolate bunny hopping into my inbox soon ? Sxf.yyxh
You will fam fo sho?❤
GANG missions awaiting us ??
hahahahahawesolithahahaha ?❤️ Sxf.yyxh
They waiting for us like stick btch waits for....?????
Safzyy came to blesss ?? Sxf.yyxh
bestay westayy ?❤️ Sxf.yyxh
Bestest westest?❤
What made you happy today? 100+
Alot of things ...and one person
Safiyyah vase u her best bra ? legit ?
Legit ?
Safiyyah vase u her best bra ? legit ?
Legit ?
The matrics are going to fck you up one of these days poes
What should people stop buying?
sht they dont need??
Ill fcken moer you now
Come ? acting so vase and u anon poes lytie
U wish
lehz goe goe goe to get some walking sticks buddy ??? sxf.yyxh_
Best buddy?❤
Come le'goe ???
Who is the most famous person you have met?
I heard tadmiyah is hooking up w joe vally
How is this relevant to me ?
Know any nxa songs?
Why does everyone call issydabs a werewolf?
Ask him ??
Missing anyone?
Yeah ...my bestay??
Are you still friends with Tasmiyyah
No lol?
As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?
Fake people.
Which movie do you regret watching and why ?
I'd rather not say?
Your greatest accomplishment?
Ill say sleeping more than 4 hours???
What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?
Take my food when they have their own?
Plans for 2018?
Gym more and leave some sht in 2017?
What is the dumbest thing you have done today?
So i was walking to the boat and then i bumped into a woman and didnt realised and i said 'sorry sir' ???
walking stick buddy was here ??
Yayy !??
So sorry only seen this now ??
What is the worst decision you ever made?
Wasting my time on dumb people?one specifically??
What did your last relationship teach you?
If its not worth holding on to . Let go??
What's one of the dumbest things you've heard someone say?
"You ONE of my best friends"??
So hows the few hours of breaking up w wifey ?????
Which wifey again ???
0ur bro again finally❤❤
Yes mahn❤?
Dankieee boii???????
Yahsho hond???
Dankie boi??❤
??? awe fam
This is not a question but a tip: You can put your qooh.me link on your 24hr whatsapp status to get more questions.
Awe?? ever since u left tasmiyah she got no life she only post bday shxt and she has gang time to do dat shxt w people and that lmao? dankie ma boi
?????? lol okay
Speak to herr
I do . Everyday since we met???
Tasmiyah is suxh a hoe she put hearteyed emojies on tillys post
That dont make her a hoe.
Its her life after all ?
Tasmiyyah told me what you told docrat about me???
Lmao i told her to tell you?
Tasmiyah told me what you told docrat?
???? yeah i told her to
She isnt the same with you is she? She feels new friend's are better than olds u know what i mean?
Tasmiyyah seedat?
Mean btch??
What dont you give a f bout or like who ?
1.fake bxtches
2. Friends that make me bored
3.people who i have really lame convos with...
Haai beste friends with her????
U and tasmiyyah are friends?
Issy dabs is a poes
You are what you eat after all
Why is tasmiyyah so diff since a few months ago?
I didnt notice ..? is she?
Closest chick friend?
Uh hard to say but theres a few
What size shoes do u wear??
Awe so u vaaseddd??
Done boi??
Kasam? u a legends
?i know
Dare tell docrat i dare u tas told me u never tell him still ill fcken more yiu if u do.
Oh you fake hoe
Yeah now hes deffs gonna know
You dont needa *moer me cuz u cant? and also that looking at you makes my eyes feel like they've been pierced with a pin
What is the longest running lie you have continued to tell?
Ehh? ill rather let it continue running..
Tasmiyah can comment on tillys A$$hole qooh but not yours he is like above u and issy dahbelia
And i thought the sloth was fake but u damn out did her??
Why u qoohed me this 10047 times u so bored?
Keep hatin still never give a fck
Nubailahhh?????? Faheemxx
*nubaila ?
That fruit salad dont look to nice hey?
Los her for nubaila as a bff mao? Faheemxx
Haai ? nubis my friend okay shes too mean to be my bff??
And u her bff????? Faheemxx
Loll yeahh so??
Tasmiyyah said u an A$$hole.
Omw?? cant wait to hear what she says about u??
Tasmiyyah said u an A$$hole. Faheemxx
Omw?? cant wait to hear what she says about u??
Is bhamjee and nubaila dating?
No lol
U seen how tilly bomb tasmiyah?
Whos your one true best friend?
Eh? who you think?
$exy beast?
"Bestest" friend?
Tasmiyyahs yr bestie ?
Yepp one of em?
Do you have a best friend ?❤?
Hmm? you should know✨