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James Wright


Ask me anything you like

380 Replies

Love ya brah

love you too, brah

Mrjimbo6789 replied 3848 days ago

y don't yu answer all your mother flippin' questions?!!

cause I do what I want. Also, just for anyone who cares, I'm probably not going to answer questions that mention peoples names. If you really want to know, inbox me

Mrjimbo6789 replied 3848 days ago

What if butt cracks were horizontal?
What a thought.

you just blew my mind

Mrjimbo6789 replied 3854 days ago

West Virginia, mountain mama

- John 'The Hero' Denver

Mrjimbo6789 replied 3858 days ago

accident my as*.. :) Call me creepier than you but you would assume every girl would've been on a search mode when some random 'guwapo' guy followed them on insta. And sorreh for using the words "always wondered" I guess I don't really mean it.. . hmmmm.. .

I don't know what a guwapo is

Mrjimbo6789 replied 3861 days ago

I think you're so much better than you believe you are. You're answered are meaningful to peopl

thank you. If they mean something to someone, that's nice to know.

Mrjimbo6789 replied 3865 days ago

Why don't you believe your insight matters? It matters as much as anyone elses.

I don't know. I've never really seen myself as an insightful person

Mrjimbo6789 replied 3865 days ago

i haven't met you yet, but since you followed me on insta (which totes so creepy btw) I've always wondered... what's with the name 'mrjimbo6789'

okay, well I don't usually follow people I don't know so that may have been an accident. But is that more creepy than finding me on facebook, scrolling down to find my link and then taking the time to ask me an anonymous question about my username which apparently you've "always wondered" about? And in answer to your question, my nickname in highschool was Jimbo, and then when I was about 14 I made a new Youtube account, but Jimbo was already taken. One of the suggestions was mrjimbo6789. So I've just kinda stuck with it ever since.

Mrjimbo6789 replied 3865 days ago

Why you getting so many deep questions??/?

beats me. hahaha. I don't think my insight on things matters that much

Mrjimbo6789 replied 3866 days ago

Would you consider yourself generally judgemental? Do you freely give out blank slates to people that may have stuffed up so that you can both start over in a friendship?

Well with the definition of judgmental: having or displaying an overly critical point of view. I don't think so at all. And the blank slate thing is interesting. Depending on what it is, it can have different outcomes. stuffing up something little doesn't matter as much. But if it's a big thing, than it can be a bit different. With a big thing I'm all for forgiveness, but that doesn't mean you forget what happened. It just means you don't hold it over them.

Mrjimbo6789 replied 3866 days ago

Would you consider yourself an 'exclusive' person, or do you love to mingle with everybody?

Um, this is a hard one. Cause I love everyone and would hate to be known as an exclusive person. But, I find it hard sometimes to mingle and just talk to people. I can be pretty introverted at times, so I'm sorry if I've ever made someone feel like I didn't like them.

Mrjimbo6789 replied 3866 days ago 1

Fave colour


Mrjimbo6789 replied 3869 days ago

Long answer?
Doesn't it say to not 'yolk/yoke' ( cat spell :/) yourself with a non Christian'
Idk I haven't read much of it

Okay, that verse that you bring up is more talking about worship. Would it make life harder dating a non Christian? Yes. Should you really think about the impact of it? Definitely. But are we not allowed to date a non Christian? No. You always need to look into context for bible verses. Don't just rely on google searches. Find quality resources.

Mrjimbo6789 replied 3869 days ago

Isn't there like a rule in the bible that you can't do that ? ( not hating )

Short answer: No

Mrjimbo6789 replied 3871 days ago

Favourite movie?

Easy. Space Jam.

Mrjimbo6789 replied 3871 days ago