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Emma Louise


491 Replies

Brag about yourself. What are you really good at doing?

Making enemies ?

MrsJUDDzy replied 2678 days ago

What misconception about you would you like to clear up ?

Nothing. If people want to have misconceptions about me, that is their problem.

MrsJUDDzy replied 2684 days ago

What thing did you do that ruined a relationship/s?

I fell for someone else.

MrsJUDDzy replied 2692 days ago

Why do you think people like/hate you?

Because I’m a cu.nt, and they think they’re perfect ?

MrsJUDDzy replied 2698 days ago

The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?

Carry on with my life happily. It would be an adjustment, but I have actually lived more of my life without internet, or consistent access to it, than I have lived with it, so I’d be okay.

MrsJUDDzy replied 2704 days ago

So you finally took off the lock?? Ha what made you change your mind?? Taaaylaaaaa

That would be because I can. Now, how about you get a life and leave me alone? ?

MrsJUDDzy replied 2709 days ago

What's something that took you way too long to realize?

That I’m worth more than the way certain people have treated me in the past.

MrsJUDDzy replied 2714 days ago 1

What makes you uncomfortable?

Some of the shoes I own ?

MrsJUDDzy replied 2722 days ago

But, that's where you're wrong. I'm not one of his "loyal disciples" as you claim I am. I'm just someone who knows him and have heard what he had said about you when I knew him. Please though, enlighten me on what it is he had done wrong to you.

Unless you are myself or Joshua, it's none of your business.
As I said previously, please stop asking me things about Joshua.

MrsJUDDzy replied 2730 days ago

Even if it was Josh sending these questions, what gives you the right to hurt someone like him the way you did/have?

I can tell straight off the bat that you are one of Joshua's loyal disciples, and I wouldn't be wrong to say that you believe everything he says, particularly about me.
I'm trying to move beyond this narrative, but I will humour you with a response for clarity.

I did not have the right. Nobody has the right to hurt another human being. He also did not have the right to hurt me the way he did.
It went both ways, and neither of us is innocent of hurting the other.
The difference is, he will only acknowledge my faults and not his own.

Please do not ask me anything further about Joshua, or anything related to him.

MrsJUDDzy replied 2731 days ago 1

why so you can continue lying about sht you did hiding that your a monster..

I really enjoy our chats ajoshymous, quality content. If they were a YouTube channel, I would subscribe!

MrsJUDDzy replied 2731 days ago

you cheated on me more than once lied manipulated everyone, should I keep going..

If you want to discuss, do it directly, not hiding behind an anonymous question. You know my number, my email, my Snapchat etc.

MrsJUDDzy replied 2731 days ago 1

In other words, those who do shtty to me i do shtty to them..

Okay. But, stick with me here, if I did something to you it would be better to approach me directly, rather than hiding behind a screen. So tell me, what did I do?

MrsJUDDzy replied 2731 days ago

Im a an extremely nice person, to those who deserve it

So in other words, you're not ?

MrsJUDDzy replied 2731 days ago

havent made much progress

Yeah, I know, but the slower the weight loss, the easier to keep it off. Maybe you should try making some progress to be a nicer human.

MrsJUDDzy replied 2731 days ago