Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
He's travelling the world and working everywhere?♀️and I'm working in zim and then going to one place at a time at a different time to his?
I can't move back to a place I never lived or been...
Well the vomiting part ain't so classy?♀️
Hahaha soz mate I don't drink, got more class than that...!!
Who are uu??
And no I don't think so we all pee?♀️
Thank you?♀️I would say the same to uu but I don't know who uu are?
No I'm in Dubai that weekend?
Thank you?
May I know who uu are..??
?Kevin Olivier?
I haven't left him?♀️can't leave your best friend?
He's amazing ?
No he's gone back from where ever he came from ?♀️?♀️
Hit me up...
And thank uu??
Thanx Vin Diesel...i gotss uu to?
What's it to uu...?♀️
It's kwekwe...
And no not all but got a few in mind....
No???and the point of your question
Leave people behind...!!
And what's it to uu...??
My best friend
Who's Stephen....??
Call me foolish stupid?♀️I don't care I'm still going to have his...always gotsss him...and he's my best friend best friend?
I'm ok with that?♀️
???NO???that's my best friend, best friend and my sister?
And also what's it to uu doe?♀️
There's not much I can say because people will believe what they want to believe?♀️
?I will do thanx and same to uu??♀️xx
What the actual!!?♀️?
Uu to??
Because I'm me~~and~~I don't change for nobody
Carry on with life?♀️
Thank sure uu are to...xx
Easier said than done ?
Because there are some of use nice people left out here...and if I was like everyone else this place would be just as bad and don't need it there is enough heartless people out there ? and everyone needs a little loving? xxx
A lot of things???
Make friends get attached 《they always seem to leave》??
Absolutely nothing! Everything that has happened to me has happened for a reason and I have no regrets...that point in time I wanted that moment
A lot...i just need $$$$
Thank uu xx ?
Hit me up 《DM》
Just 2 reckless kids living life?
Ask your rents they seem to like me...and maybe it's because I actually have manners?♀️
Uu tell me ?♀️?♀️
Hit me up《DM》
Hearing that my favourite people are coming in Dec ?《aunty hazel》
Say what uu mean....mean what uu say...!!
Read my last reply, also what's your concern?
He's the only person that's real with me
Play bullying...《joke》 pull their leg in everything...!! Pull the p***s in everything...?
A side btch?♀️
Coffee thanx stormeeeee?
Don't eat my food?
Uu tell me...uu just know the real me??♀️...and not many would agree with uu on ur views?♀️
Drink and smoke?♀️
People who aren't true to me because I've turned my back...!!?F.F.F
Loving....friendly....Amazing ?♀️?♀️?
Rebuild a car from top to bottom...!!