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Ask and il answer....EVERYTHING

19 Replies

What are you obsessed with?

I wouldn't say obsessed with cars


Yes I would.

Musti.Kay replied 3101 days ago

I don't really know you at all but you seem like an awesome guy that I can see getting to know quite well. I am 18 and in Year 12 and no this isn't a scam man haha. If you have Facebook or something I can message you on - let me know and I'll get onto it. jofarren


Musti.Kay replied 3196 days ago 1

Battery percentage on your phone?


Musti.Kay replied 3196 days ago 1

thoughts on your ex sarah

Sarah, honest thoughts? Il sum it up because 4 years of knowing each other and adding up over a year and a half of Relationship time, my thoughts on her are...Great girl, close to perfection, distance was a factor which then led to other things, but that doesn't change how much respect I still have for her, deep down me and her know there's still a place in my heart for her, because of the fact that she was my first real love. There's still heaps but time goes by and things change, we broke up and there's nothing more to be said, it was unfortunate, but it happened. Yeah not really thoughts but oh well.

Musti.Kay replied 3201 days ago

How many hearts do you think you have broken ?

Hahahaha, which ones? The chocolate ones from the Easter Bunny?

Musti.Kay replied 3201 days ago

What is the most expensive thing you own ?

My TV? Idfk?

Musti.Kay replied 3203 days ago

Would you ever date an ex again? Who? Why?

Depends on a lot of reasons

Musti.Kay replied 3205 days ago

Thoughts on emily Montgomery

Emily is FanfckingTastic. One of my closest friends, love her to bits no matter what we go thru,easy and fun to talk to, knows how to have a good time and yeah, fairly happy to have met her

Musti.Kay replied 3205 days ago

What school does she go to then?

University of Skylines.

Musti.Kay replied 3205 days ago

If money was no concern, what would you do for the rest of your life?

Build Mental Race Cars.

Musti.Kay replied 3205 days ago 1

Are you tuning a girl at the moment?

I might be.

Musti.Kay replied 3206 days ago

Why did you and your last girlfriend break up?

Distance and Fadation

Musti.Kay replied 3206 days ago 1

What type of girls do you go for? Explain in detail.

Good question Honestly I'm not picky, like il go for a girl that looks average to good, not gonna lie looks is a factor, but not too big of a factor, like if Yu got a good personality and your ehh looking, if I feel that you have some sort of like in me then the chance of me liking you back is fairly big Honesty is policy, you lie to me, you Get the fck outtta heya. Loyalty, if you fck around with other boys and I'm aware, trust me love, you ain't getting anywhere near this heart to break ;) Availability, someone that won't pop up in a blue moon, someone I can see often. Responsibility, I don't care if you drink, smoke whatever, as long as you can keep it under control and not go fcking around then we can get along just fine I'm looking for those factors in a girl. (HERES A BONUS) And if you are into Cars or anything to do with cars, then there's a 40% higher chance you are in the good books with me

Musti.Kay replied 3208 days ago 2

How old are you

17 love 06/04/98

Musti.Kay replied 3208 days ago

Whats your favorite car

fckk man, long list But il keep it top 2 2-Nissan Skyline V-Spec Nür II 1-Koenigsegg Agera R

Musti.Kay replied 3208 days ago 1