Morena Bentley Maile
Do you think you're funny? Lmao. Wasup gee MyNameIsZiggy
EyY wasup ZíGgÝ!!
Do you like Botle?
I don\'t know, do I???
Are you a
No I\'m not
Are those white dudes you chilling with messing around with you or are the just friends
Who do u like in grade10???
Do you hate white folks!
No , I\'m not rasict
what do you do most!
Fight dragons
Whoever this girl is that you like she is one lucky girl!.if you didn't have her and you were alone in an ally somewhere i would pomp you like there's no tomorrow!!!!!! You know?
Hahahahaha,,,,,uhMmm very interestin\' haha
How would u react if it was Botle asking u those questions about her? dodee
Hahahaha!!!!!,,, shhIiii I didn\'t think of that :p ,,,,,but yah i\'d be chilled bout it :D :p
So r u guys already dating or r u just frnds 4 now?
Why don\'t уou ask Her that
LOL but botle is beautiful so yeah I don't blame u 4 choosing her
Lmao this Botle commotion what's up with that?
Hahaha I don\'t know know !? :\\
Lol , I'm just asking, there must be a reason
Why do u like chilling with white folks?
Why is there a problem
Its obvious that u like Botle ! So why her?
ShoOoo. :\\,,,, hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! Would уoυ like me to pic уou instead??? Hahahah :p
Who do u like at school?
I like this girl .....
Would you ever kiss a friend (female) just for the fun of it ?
No ... I only kiss the person I\'m datin\'
Do u like Botle? What's going on between you 2?
Why would уou ask such a thing :p hehehe
Are you a forgiving type of person ?
Yah ,,, I am :)
Are you in the orchestra?
Yes I am ,,,,,for 4years-_-
Who are you dating and why?
IM not dating anyone .... YEt