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Hey sweets:D... Its my pleasure :P and I lovies Y♡Ʊ 2...
Well I actually don't know because I would give her my knowledge so that she doesn't make the same mistakes I did
Yes I have and I miss it. But if I had to go back to being a lezbo there's only one woman I'd go back to
Nope... And proud of it
Hehehe sounds so familiar babe... Hehehe thanx Zandile you such a awsome buddy:) lovies you my friend
Awwwww thanx sweety...
Which one???
Honestly no...
I don't have crushes anymore... They never work out
Ok so who's my secret admirer
Awwww thanx sweety. That's so sweet. I know I said anonymously but I would of loved to know who's the person I'll always have on my side
Some one who likes both guys and girls
I don't have crushes. And honestly not planning on having.
Hey sweety... I honestly can't answer that at the moment but chat to me over bbm and we'll c what happens
I don't really have a fave... I like any music that grabs me or that I can dance to
HELL NO :'(!!! I don't even wanna think of getting old
Hahahaha anything sweet (UHG except cake... Can't handle cake)
Chocolat spread with melted chees on toast... Is by far my best combo
Awwww!!!!! Thanx so much sweety!!!! I love you so much my Devi-b*mz
Mmm... Well I have to think about that first
Hahaha yes I do like carrots (and no not in a perverted way!!!)
No hell I have no idea... But people can be who and what they want...
Its a AWESOME thing
Hehe I ahave awsome parents
Jip... They would say its my choice
Hehehe Lanie... You actually my only ex that I'm actually still friends with...
Hey sweety I dono who this is but its no problem... All the heart ache and pain I've gone through has just made me a better stronger person
Hahahaha no I dono... I've done both and they both got my heart broken so I dono
I don't have such a thing...
I love my family and the few friends I have... But I dono who I love
Because that's life... God won't give me something I can't handle... Every obstical god has giving me has been a learning curve... It has made me who I am today
No... I just don't refuse to answer messed up childish questions that have nothing to do with you!!!
No I don't answer sick questions like that
Ja I actually have 3... But they don't have any specific shape
Proberly something out of the box that I could have fun with
Hahahahaha I'll tell you when I find out because all the things I did like turned out to hurt me
UHG!!! Hell no
Hahahahaha uhm... Anyway you eat it its gonna look like you eating a mans ding a ling... Maybe break it up
The principle.. With out 2nd thinking it
3 doors down and Fall out boy
Kaylee Ferreira, Megan De Bruin, and Naterlie Patterson
Kaylee Ferreira... Uhg she annoys the crap out of me
Honestly it doesn't bother me... For as long as I can remember we've gon to an old age home every sunday so I'm use to the smell of old people
20 (and no don't think of it in a perverted way but yes I know I have a big mouth)
Hopefully myself :) no but on a serious note I have no idea... But one thing that I do wanna be is a mommy
Please ping me... I seriously have no clue who this is
I dO????
HeHe ThAnX sWeEtY... I'm FlAtTeReD... WeLl I kInDa NeEd To KnOw WhO yOu ArE... WhY dOnT yOu PiNg Me AnD wE cAn C wHaT hApPeNs... MWA
What would you like to know
That actually has nothing to do with you...
Hahahaha uhm no I didn\'t know that cause its not true... But thank you