Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I'm just looking for good friends right now . Guys I can have a good time and chill with :) not really into relationships right now .
Big one? hahaha. I don't have anyone in my life right now so he's probably just a friend :)
what other guy ?
Haha I have no idea? :D
All the time.. :) things happen for a reason though. Someday (y)
Then don't :) I'm just curious .
Tell me who you are !
Hahaha you two are so entertaining * laughs hysterically * :P I missed you guys today when I was sent out of clas* for 2 whole business lessons •. _ •. Until next time :P x.
:) I'm only in Matric next year :) but after that I'm going to study in Cape Town possibly.
hahaha . Okay then , have it your way :P .
What's your name ? :) ah okay. Your happiness rubbed off on me :P :)
:P Thanks :) why don't we speak more often? :)
I don't bite I promise :) don't be scared. We should chat more often then :)
•. _ • Romeo ? Horizon? *cries from laughter. * hahahaha this is a joke right ? ...
I would hope not... :).
That's pretty personal :) I won't answer that on this site.
.. :) Tulips and Roses
»BEEEEGGGGERRR HUG ««« :) x needed that. Thanks :).
:) sure. Ask me out in person:).
Hahaha can't wait to see that :D. Sweet :p
Ah thanks hey :) xx.
These people that supposedly like me are in hiding or something ? Cause no one has ever told me. :). Plus , there is a someone for everyone :) I'm sure there's someone who will prefer you over me.:).
Damn my intention is never to be rude :) sorry if I was though. I'm a very shy and insecure person :) so I'm probably really shy. Come chat to me again. :)
No :) I don't really want to feel anything for anyone at the moment. I just want friends. Feelings f*** things up.
Were just good friends :). He's one of those really fun guys to be around :).
Its a fruitable :D. I really don't know hey.
GoOoodness Unetjie do you look stunning my girly :) Soo good seeing your beautiful face again. We need to organize something hey , strengthen that friendship :) loves you and miss you loads x.
Ahh :) miss you too Wes ! :) x
Ahem.. That's rude ;). I'm a lady.
Sounds goood to me. I don't know why were not friends already. Amazing ideas here. So whens this happening ?:D.
:)Take a chance and tell me who you are. You never know :).
Thanks :). Appreciate it.x
Please tell me who you are ?:)x Sooo sweet.
Ekul :) I'm waiting for that laugh too hey ;) make my day tomorrow .
I really don't.
You don't know me. At all. So stop pretending that you know what I want ( attention from guys) and just leave me alone. You obviously have nothing better to do than to judge and tell me what to do, I make myself happy and don't need a guy to make me happy. Have a great night :).
Thanks so much :p :D made my night xxx
what have i done to you for you to say that?
Yea well some things I have tried to fix , or have fixed more than once but then just fell apart again. But I do agree that some of the other things I have mentioned is not too late to do. :) , and I will try and fix things again if people will hear me out..
They should tell me :) I'm not after anyone at the moment . I'm patiently waiting for the right guy :).
Really?..well why don't you bbm me and we'll chat :).
i have already made many special people leave my life that i will never get back . I do appreciate the people still with me who do care about me . I let them know often how much they mean to me .
Honestly , not really . I would of wanted to do more outgoing things but i guess if I'm not like that how could i force myself to be what I'm not . I would of wanted to fix broken relationships and apologize to people who i have hurt , spent more time with the people i truly do care about . I am not proud of mistakes i have made ,but i have made many amazing memories . Im proud of the few things i have done right .
Unless it affects you , i don't think its any of your business what i need to do and what i don't :) .
couldn't agree more! :) . Its time i move away from that .
Light blue:)
Im actually a very happy person :) , just small things that get to me at times .
For what reason would they s*ck up? . I like being complimented , who doesn\'t? . :)
What do you mean by \" s*cking up\" ? .I don\'t see it that way at all.
Thanks :) your very sweet :) , appreciate the compliment ..I would love to know who this is though :) x .
Im not actually sure hey...:)
Exactly!. Thats saying it nicely . Hell yes! but guys are so boo*s obsessed , it probably won\'t even stop them. RESPECT is a word some hormone driven males need to learn ;) . Lets further discuss this on bbm whoever this is :P.
Damn straight! :P I've had enough now though . They must be pretty amazing :/ but no, annoyed now .
That even rhymes ;) ah thanks ;;) your decent x
It does indeed. I swear that's the only thing they're attracted to. Seriously offensive. It was funny at the beginning , but no more please :) .
Thanks :) who is this by the way? means a lot x
If you read the other qoohs I'm sure you'll figure it out (y) .
Thats really sweet :) but buying me things don't impress me :) being forward with you feelings I appreciate .
you as*hole hahaha as*k away ;) .
hahahahahaha this just made my night :D . Double Damn ;) . * crying from laughter *!.
This amazing guy :P bbm me and i'll tell you .
Yea :) im super interested in stars and planets .
I know you are but what am I? ;) .
Uh.... Bbm me , maybe I'll tell you ;).
I doubt it :) but yea he must speak up if he does have other feelings.
:) bbm me so I know who this is. :).
Aw thanks :) no one at the moment hey :).
Real mature ;) why so curious?
My best friend and I broke into a public swimming pool at midnight... Uh yea I'm kind of a good girl ;).
Someone who doesn't like me back. (Y).
Why ? Okay whatever :).
Uhm okay..
Who is this? :)
:O haven't had Milo in ages (n) Make me some? :P
Haha okay cool :)
Love You!! Xx forever .
Hahaha tooo excited REALLY :D
Totally :) thanks babe love you lots and lots and see you soon!! Thanks for all your help really appreciate it <3
My phone probably deleted you when almost all my contacts were deleted :) 261656D9. Readd me :).
Whoooooooo :D going clubbing hey ?
Haha okay good! You must come party with me on my birthday though :) I'll bbm you. :D.
I miss you too my banana! :) :P when am I seeing your face again?
Hahaha Dumbas* :D. Nice Ray Ray ;)
I like a guy who is funny but knows when to be serious, smart , and affectionate :).
I honestly don't know hey :) but I like guys to be honest if they do like me. I wish I could read minds ;) :).
I wish I knew that answer myself haha :P no boyfriend at the moment :)
If I had double d's... I would have a problem... NO PERVE!!.
Bbm me and I'll tell you :)
Something I drew. And its a quote that someone that was very important to me sent me...Bob Marley is one of the few people I look up to :) I love his music too.
I have a cool design and some meaningful words I want done on my back :). Its from a Bob Marley quote
I'm getting one as soon as I turn 18 :)