Haha for what? ;) Snaki
still didnt even spell it right :"( Snaki
I'm keeping the C
cant even spell my name :"( Snaki
you'll get the E later
naidennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Snaki
If your bank account had a mood ,what mood would it be in right now?
Very very very sad
What could you talk about forever?
The news
What would make you happy?
Lots of money
I think I'm going to bomb the uni Chumbungus
I still have no idea how to react to that
I don't know about you, but I think Naidy is Lady
You are not wrong
i wanna be friends with you cause you seem cool but I'm shy
If you want to be friends I don't see a problem
naiden boots or hoes
Only idiots don't get boots
Lamborghini or Ferrari?
Whatever one I can sell for the most money
What is your biggest success up until now?
Getting into uni
If money was no object, what would you do all day?
play dota 2 .-.
Thoughts on Taylor swift?
great gal
How many memes could a memechuck chuck if a memechuck could chuck memes?
Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?
Someone who just so happens to carry many asthma inhalers with them
What’s my best physical feature?
My puns
Favorite person you spoke to today?
I guess my little sister
What was your last dream about ?
Um I can't remember
I wont say who, but I do know who it is..
That's at least two more then me :p
I know who likes you!!!!!!
Oh I think it's their choice to tell me though
I feel a need to tell you I like you, yet I'm scared how you will react
I have no idea how I'll react either .-.
you're actually really cute lmao
Thank you .... person
The best song in 2014 for you ?
I constantly thank god for Esteban
who's lisa marie and where did you meet her? new gf? ;)
I swear other people are more concerned with me getting a girlfriend then I am
I seen you with a girl yesterday at woodgrove, is she your gf?
She's my friend
aw that s*cks :(, inbox me i got an idea ;) Snaki
I don't know what it s*cks but you're Rickie yeah?
So what's this i hear your getting it on with a girl Naidy? ;) Snaki
Uh I don't think I am
What is attractive about you?
My puns
Is it true you have the biggest shlong?
Don't worry it's me this time, Naidos.
Who the hell is tegan?
One of my friends
Top 3 boys?
John, Harley and brandon/justin/george
Top three girls?
Louise, Sherrydin and Tegan
If your biggest wish is a gf you should probs check your friend zone
That biggest wish thing wasn't even me
Are you crushing on anyone? Have a girlfriend?
Not at the moment
Cause its angry
What is angry?
Any cute girlies in your life?
What do you mean by "in my life" ?
What will my future be
What is your biggest fear?
I found out I'm not fond of birds not long ago
What is your favourite video game?
It would have to be Persona 4
What upsets you?
When I don't get to walk
What is your weakness?
Having pressure put on me
Which celebrity would you leave your girl or boyfriend for?
If I had either one of those I don't think I would just leave them
What is your nickname?
I don't think I have one
Do you like foster the people?
I will change my last name to foster and be a foster parent
How about yes, Dirt mix with icing. Sugar mixed with blood.
Wait what?
Im going to burn all the things you love, Like cakes and muffins.
How about no
Why did you divorce Brandon?
He killed the baby and it was emotionally better for both of us
How long would you like to live for?
I wouldn't mind living for a long time
What turns you off in a girl/guy ?
I'm not sure
Your a lier! Stop blowing Andrew. xD
Shush Sherridyn!
Its not my fault, I took one bite and said nah so I threw it :)
All your fault
Lol, Just dropped a cheesecake in the bin. Thinking of you <3
You are horrible
Nothing better than the screams of muffins under my foot..
Im crushing muffins..
How dare you!
What is success to you?
If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?
Bad self esteem
Which is easier, Picking your nose or putting on a beanie?
Putting on a beanie
Well I do :)
Well thanks...
Worm, or the BoomBoom. Make your choice
I don't know what either are
You don't really know me though
Well I should add I didn't think that anyone would want to get close to me either
Why is that new?
I don't know anyone that wants to get close to me
I wish I could actually get close to you
That's something new
You dont gotta say Thanks babe xD
I wouldn't know what else to say
Well you should be :)
Oh thanks?
Heyy your flabs are *exy ;)
Um sure....
Why aren't you good at accepting compliments?
I'm not used to them
You're cute :)
Thank you?
Who is matt ? Im charlie nice to meet you :)
I see you ;)
This is you isn't it Matt?
Prefer an*** or doggy style?
Why do you stink ? Hahahahs
Bad body wash maybe?
How awesome are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
What are 1 to 10 relative to.
Who are your cousins? Name all pls
Out of respect I wouldn't tell an anonymous person their names
The worst thing that happend to you this week?
I went the rest of this week without the lego movie
Can you stop stalking chad pls? Thnks
lemme grab your thigh a little
I hope this is Johna or Brandon or I'm actually a little concerned
Who would you take a bullet for?
Probably myself
Naiden? More like GAYden...YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!
More like no
Oh hey ex-wife
I'm sorry.. this is too emotional for me i need my space