Can u rply me in insta @ chaithanya_05
Cool ✨
Can we go for date for full night
My first date is gonna be with Channing Tatum
Are u virgin
Ask me appropriate things, I’m not your friend 🙂
How so?
If you don’t see anything wrong with that question I don’t know what to tell you.
What's your mother tongue?
Sounds like a demonic question
Have you ever been in an unfair situation on a trip where the boys had a chance to pee but the girls weren't able to go?
Eish..yeah, Got me wishing i was a guy
Been stalking you since 2016!♥️😂🥺 Sometimes I'd even try to take photos like you😩I just wanna let you know that I love you♥️
Morning made 😊❤️.
Let’s work together
DM what you’d like to do 😁
Naddy 😩. I've always liked you and wished we could be friends but I was too afraid of rejection :(
So sorry i’ve been off. Totally forgot about this website 😂, DM me 💙🌀.
Only friends. I don't like those relationships
Lol yoh, nevermind.
Just for thinking i was actually interested
Can we talk on insta nf become friends?
No!! Baby you have actually bitten my lips
your dog bit your lips.
Get out of my page with your weird sht.
so interested in how many ?
Not interested in nobody
Baby you are hurting me
Lol you’re hurting yourself ??
interested in making a bf ?
Not interested in one
Not that active anymore but Sure
Be quick man
Rushing me gets you ignored
Can I add you on snapchat?🙄
Sc: Cannabissuer2
How are your parents?
They’re both alright 🦋.
Nal8di ( cannabissuer2)
hey ms twala, i hope you’re doing better now and that you’re in a lighter place
Im alllll good now ❤️, thank you a lot 🌈
I have a question. What would you do if your husband or wife gives your son or daughter the name of his or her first love. Kingsmoke_zw
If it’s a nice name, I’ll let it go. If i don’t like it, Im gonna diss him for being a loser but I don’t think I’d go all my way to change it so ah 😂😂😂.
Hey it's minhaestrel
Baby girl 💕
Can I get your Snapchat username Nags
Cannabissuer2 ( Nal8di )
What is your craziest fantasy Creamcheese
Marrying a sudanese with blue eyes
And one of the things that made me get a crush on u was ur enlightenment side 😻🥺
Thank you a lot ❤️🤗
I’ve had the biggest crush on u ever since my friend Lesego showed me who u are 🥺😩one thing he didn’t wanna do was give me ur numbers💔😭
I get scared when someone says they have my number because i never talk to nobody 😂. I hope he’s sure it’s mine.
How about a collaboration shoot new Instagram feed/content?
where you from?
Hope you okay there sweetie with my mother in law. Love yall❤️❤️.
Lol i still can’t figure out who you are 😂 but thank you 🌸
Why did you delete the post 😖
😂changed my mind😭💔
I was honestly serious about the smoke session ya know😅, but I live in gauteng and seems like you from mpumalanga so I guess it's not gonna be right now. But soon I might visit if I get the chance😁✨
I’m in PTA rn 😂 but i’m pretty sure you’re far from where i am
Which part of Mpumalanga you live in? I wanna be friends with you🥺🥺
DM 💕
Naledi you’re so beautiful❤️
I miss your old Instagram , your content was so fire boo 😭
we need the old you back , we need that fire content or at least bring back your old feed for a day 🥺
Yeeeeeeeaaah, ima try that 💕. The old me is long gone 😂🤚, that motherfckr died
nalediii you in pta?!?
Yes ❄️
I love you and I miss you so much. I messed up but I want you back
Not cool whoever you are
Tell my mother in law, happy birthday❤️. Blessings to her and love her for you😍.
Lol mother in law?
Thanks though anonymous 💫
fck it, I wanna be friends with you
Lol i dont mind
Bra size?
You’re going too far now man 😪
Are u naughty girl or normal girl
i’m normal?
You live alone?
Lol i wish. Still with my parents but I’m with my sister in Pretoria right now
Thanks I have requested you
Please accept my request Cartoon_vinod_
Will doo
Hey do use ig
Can we meet there there
Please do reply me Cartoon_vinod_
Will you be my friend
Lol sure i guess ✨
Then be my gf
I can be a girl and a friend 😅 ?
You single now?
Lol for the 600th time, Yes. Been quite a while now
You living alone now?
In uni yet?
Still relaxing all those 12 years off. My classes start on the 17th of July
Whyd you disappear, haven't seen you in so long bro
Long story 😒, but i’m back now
Lol you inappropriate fck
Howcome in the insta photo u wear your underwear up above your pants??
That’s like One picture. But hey, its A very Free Country!
Single but very unavailable 😂😊
What's your Instagram
I added u in snap chat check it my id abhishekta143 M.d.i.c.o_boy
U up for a video chat 🤣🤣? Jalienia
well cool, just know this is coming from someone who doesn’t enjoy videochats or phone calls
Wat panties are you wearing
Can I get your Snapchat username Nags
cannabissuer2 ( Nal8di )
Naledi when are you going to start answering your DM’s? Cyanda_
I need a software update in order to download instagram for some reason, i hate using insta on the internet so i avoid it but you can DM, i’m active nyana now
Hi ur snap id
cannabissuer2 ( Nal8di )
I miss you
Im hoping this is coming from a person that I miss too
You have to be active again. Come! COME NALEDI!
Im trying 😰, it’s hardddd
What does one have to do to get high with you? 😭
Lol be friends with me i guess
They don’t get you and how rare you are fck social media hala at a nigga when you wanna see something real🤞🏾🧎🏾
You good though,cause the last time me and you had decent convos was at NPS😂😅❤️
I’m good, Lol that’s such a long time ago
Hey inbox to inbox? Zack_0
Sure I guess 👹
I’m aesthetic now Femalex
If you’re aesthetic, what am i?😰
Hey you how are you today. Kingsmoke_zw
I’m hungry & tired BUT I’m fineee 👍💕
What makes you feel like this is the right guy for you? Coz I feel like you the right girl for me. Kingsmoke_zw
The Early Bird catches the Prettiest worm 🤫. You’re late 😄.
You good good at art what else are you good at
Dankies💕. It’s just Art 🤝, don’t know any other talents 🧠
Hey beautiful
Hey anonymous
Something wrong with you?
Everything’s very right about me, thank you 👻.
I'm happy you back?
Lol gonna try being active again i guess