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Jacob Cox


Ask me anything you like anonymously

147 Replies

A lot of women near you want $ex! Make sure yourself - sign up here Lumbre

yeh ok

NamesJacob replied 2735 days ago



NamesJacob replied 2735 days ago

On a scale of 9/11 how much of this is a joke and with me, the archbishop of banterbury? Rest In Peace all the Jews, Paul Walker and all the 9/11 victims. I apologise for any offence, it was plane wrong.

This whole thing was at least a 7/11 out of 10 of a good giggle meaning no offence to any of the victims of this banter, R.I.P any who may have been deceased at the point of the jokery and I'm (surprisingly) not a racist, ily mitch, we shall both ride on to hell.

NamesJacob replied 3435 days ago

If She sells seashells by the sea shore, how many Ethiopians washed up on the shore line in the last 2 weeks? If that number equates to/is greater than 420 how many planes hit paul walker while lodged in the building with porsche making hot new fiery mix tape?

Well, this is actually a two part question, nice. The ethiopians whom of which washed up on the shore actually may change due to which shore the washed up on, would it be a fijian shore or a mexican shore line, there is rougher travel for the fijian shore though in a mexican shore line more may wash up though their bodies may not be easily seen due to the hot weather and the the need for the people of mexico to well, feast. But, this number would also depend on how many ethiopians starved to death while swimming in the past month, and as you hadn't given me that number, it was a doomed question from the start, but based on statistics at least 500 would appear on either shore, more of which in mexico's shore. But how many mexicans could fly planes off of the blood of ethiopians? That's right, you guessed it, all of them. 500 planes made his mixtape. ez.

NamesJacob replied 3435 days ago

If She sells seashells by the sea shore, how many Ethiopians washed up on the shore line in the last 2 weeks? If that number equates to/is greater than 420 how many planes hit paul walker while lodged in the building with porsche making hot new fiery mix tape?

Well, this is actually a two part question, nice. The ethiopians whom of which washed up on the shore actually may change due to which shore the washed up on, would it be a fijian shore or a mexican shore line, there is rougher travel for the fijian shore though in a mexican shore line more may wash up though their bodies may not be easily seen due to the hot weather and the the need for the people of mexico to well, feast. But, this number would also depend on how many ethiopians starved to death while swimming in the past month, and as you hadn't given me that number, it was a doomed question from the start, but based on statistics at least 500 would appear on either shore, more of which in mexico's shore. But how many mexicans could fly planes off of the blood of ethiopians? That's right, you guessed it, all of them. 500 planes made his mixtape. ez.

NamesJacob replied 3435 days ago

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers how many Jews were cooked in a concentration camp at one time? If the answer is more than 3, how did they use the remaining ashes for the planes of 9/11?#StealBeamsAreMeltedByJewDreams

Well anon, this is a tough one. If the conspiracy theory is right that a hoard of Jewish zombie ashes actually did spit fat fiery beats of Paul Walker remains (R.I.P ily Paul) over the dank steal beams of memes to assist Osama Bin'Slaying to actually penetrate the twin towers of pickled peppers, if all is correct, the answer would be the weight of all obese people in Murica' added up and then the weight of skinny people in Murica' taken away, but see, there is no such thing as a skinny American so the answer isn't actually negotiable and the Nazi's did it. Tough one.

NamesJacob replied 3435 days ago

I saw that you wanted to message Shanelle more hey? Have you made the move yet? ;)

obvs tru

NamesJacob replied 3435 days ago

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck gased the jews and did 9/11 solely using the power of his previous wood he once chucked?

Ez. Paul Walker

NamesJacob replied 3435 days ago

On a scale of 9/11 how many jets does it take to melt a dank meme?

Trick question, answer: Auschwitz.

NamesJacob replied 3435 days ago

Who's your best friend?

Lizzy probs, I guess, but she stanky :*

NamesJacob replied 3435 days ago

t*** or A$$

A$$ for days

NamesJacob replied 3435 days ago

Thoughts on kailey

Kailey is fab and always a good chat, much luv

NamesJacob replied 3435 days ago

Why are you special ???

I get my vitamin C

NamesJacob replied 3435 days ago

Thoughts on Bella Cullen

Hunni! :* We work together, top notch girl, we never got around to doing anything on the holidays, whoops ;3

NamesJacob replied 3532 days ago

spam doner


NamesJacob replied 3532 days ago