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Mereana Pilcher


ask biiiiiitches (;

36 Replies

How come you and franz broke up?

long story -_-

NarNarx0 replied 4355 days ago

Thanks naar naar love you xoxoxo

hehe knew it (: love you too xox

NarNarx0 replied 4357 days ago

If gian cheated on shaniah would you tell her? Even if gian told you not to?

hell yes. that shi*s low...

NarNarx0 replied 4357 days ago

Who are you missing right now?

hmmm...hard to answer :/

NarNarx0 replied 4357 days ago

Do you have any guy bestfriends?

nope :/

NarNarx0 replied 4357 days ago

Who is the worst couple you know?

i have no idea lol

NarNarx0 replied 4357 days ago

Do you love franz?

i've only been with him a month...ish

NarNarx0 replied 4357 days ago

Whose your bestfriends?

melanie, ashleigh, renee and shannon <3

NarNarx0 replied 4357 days ago

Who would you say is the cutest couple you know?

ummm cutest couples would beeeeeeeee......hmmmmmm....shaniah and gian :) lol

NarNarx0 replied 4357 days ago

have you and franz had se*y time yet? not answering that....

NarNarx0 replied 4386 days ago

freaks i say :) haha look at what f***ed up shi*'s on channel 2 -.- what happened to real Christmas movies...

do i have to...that means i have to get up and my sunburn is killing me! -_-

NarNarx0 replied 4387 days ago 1

So i heard that you like lollipops with whipped cream on top? O.o

heheeh f*** yeah!!! who doesn't! o.O

NarNarx0 replied 4387 days ago

5prettiesst in levin???

i have no idea :L

NarNarx0 replied 4387 days ago

name 5prettiest chicks at nua.

maria, darnel, seqouia, mihi and ummm......dont really know a last one

NarNarx0 replied 4387 days ago 1

Who are your 5 closest friends?

ummm....well they would have to be...Melanie, ashleigh, renee, mikayla and ummmmmm shannon :)

NarNarx0 replied 4387 days ago 1