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okay dzea
You too bayps ???
Hes tall and he smells good ??
Like wtf
Lemme not lie?
But I can try?
Thank you ?
Lets not get there?
Thank you ?
I love you more sister gurlfwend ??
Fenni Kalumbi ??
she's my everything ??
Get a newspaper and check mohs ??
Wait? Whaasaaat??
a person, obviously ?
Dm me
Ouf??.... maybe to you?
Idk bossa
M honestly feeling weird ?
????? my bae mohs??
M chilled bruh???
How to flip and speak Portuguese ?
Fake people, people who brag or show off
That really unnecessary though??
???? my neighbours cousin, Ndeshipanda?
Thats a throw back though?
everything that can fly??