️Natasha Da Luz
What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?
Expensive shoes ❤️
How did you meet your bestfriend ?
At school . We never really spoke to one another then one day we did and were best friends now ❤️
Who do people always say you look like?
My cousin Nicole
If you could forget one thing, what would it be?
Certain people that I've met .
Last song you played before replying to this ?
' high by the beach 'by Lana ❤️
Your most embarrassing moment ?
Too many to name x ?
How old are you?
Why ? xx
What are you terrible at ?
? at singing ?
What do you want for xmas ?
Shoes bruhh ???
Which song describes your mood today ?
Hello by Adele
What life lesson did you learn today ?
Always to be the one who is nice to people no matter what . Because you never know what that person may be going through .
Battery percentage on your phone?
100% ❤️??
What is your idea of living the good life?
Being happy ❤️
Who have u been friends with the longest???
Which friend do u feel most closest too??
Really , get over yourself ??
Name your best friends
No .
How many hearts do you think you have broken ?
Like none ?
Ur a fuvking hot girl and I wanner date U ❤️❤️❤️
Your name is ? ??
s*ck my dck
Shame you wish ?
Guess who?
You tell me ?❤️
If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok ?
Would you ever be lesbian
Nope never ? ... I only like guys .
What are da twins names?
Indigo and Kaylee .
What is your motto?
Don't really have one
Does indigo have a twin sister?
Yes .
Last great thing you did ?
I have no idea .
R u dating someone?
No. ✌️
What's under your bed?
The floor
Whose ur BFF?
Why ask the same question twice ?
Are you and Ryan dating...?
No why ?
Who is your bff??
I have plenty .... but why does that matter
Blue or brown eyes (in a guy)
Hello! Thank u for being the best CUZIN EVER!!! All the random moments we had.. U jst soo Amazing never change BEAUTIFUL... U make me laughh sooo muchh n u soo beautifull musnt let anyone ever tell uu , that u not ... I LOVE #BCF!!mwah
Sais you !! Love you way more ❤️
Wat goes thro ur mind when u see a good looking guy without his shirt
Who was your first crush ?
I'm not sure
Describe yourself in three words ?
I'm not sure
Money or Loyalty ?