Nathan Scott
yeet yeet beat the tuba meat
You're such a nice guy, keep being your lovely and friendly self, its really appreciated
Will do and thank U
You are my knight in shining armor ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Why thank you... it's my pleasure
Best st Cyps friends?
To many
How does the friend zone taste
You dance like a penguin having a fit
Hahaha love this
Your girlfriend is absolutely gorgeous ❤
How does the friend zone taste
Im no longer there
God wants to save everyone. Just not you
Who the fck are you
Tbh i dont even know
Livi and Pete definitely a couple
Stick a tuba in my A$$ daddy ??????
Why....just why
Who’s your best fiends sister apparently she is a legend something like riley
Jade? Livy isnt that cool
Bishops !!! Who are you best mates at school ?
Drew Burton, Kieraan Meyer,
Wesley Holtman, Shaun O'Brien,
Nick McAdam, Seb Previst, Josh grey, jack Beare
I would really like to become part of your friend group but you guys seem like such a clique. ? How should I approach you guys. ?
Message me in private and I'm sure you can fit right in but our group runs on trust and respect
I know you wanna catch fish ?
Luke my boy I'm pulling the rods out fishing time
Would you rather put a flute or a saxophone or a tuba in my A$$? (Plz answer truthfully) ??
Flute seems less pian full but wtf
You're weird but I like it
Thanks ??
You are amazing ❤
Thank you❤
What high school do you attend ?
Bishops in music scholarship
Megan said some rude stuff behind your back but when she sees you she acts like she has never done something like that , I just don't want you to get hurt ....
I don't give a sht dude ... it's not your problem and I've been hurt before in past experiences so I'm not scared so yeah she's a friends and that's that
You have to be one of the realest people I know. ❤️⚡️?
Why thank you
Niggha why you eating black icecream ?
Cause it tastes good you have a problem with that??
Who do you know from grade 9 st cyps
Maggie, Shannon love and I really s*ck at names but I know a few more
Has megan downing ever been a btch to u? Are you guys friends? How long have u known her ???
No she has always been a great friend... I've know her since grade 8
matt tate is a very special person to me we know exactly how to make eachother laugh and we always have fun when we hang put so hes a great guy
lad there are no words to explian our friendship you can say i see him as a brother
i miss her so much, we became extremely close friends in a very short amount of time. literaly one of the most special friends i have.
What is your goal in life?
to have a positive impact on every one that i meet
Bella Strydom?
craziest most amazing friend ever love her
Favorite musician of all time????
to many but ill say 2 john lennon, hans zimmer
jessica barton?
Really awesome friend
Awesome person really enjoy spending time with her when I do
Top 3 best friends
1.Luke Riley
2. Drew and Kieraan
3.emilie and everyone
Jack Beare
Really dear friend to me
Close friends at rustenburg?
Majority are from the franshoek fam (music camp)
And a few others that I met through friends
Yeah so I have a few rustenburg friends
miss you nathan! ?❤️ -Em
Miss you to (darling?) ❤
I'm confused , are you dating Teresa or Kayla ?
I'm single
Drew, Kieraan, or Wesley
Amazing human awesome friend
Any good friends in grade nine from st cyps
Yup quite a few mostly borders
I Heard that Kayla really likes you ...
That's nice
Who you taking to the grade 10 dance?
Who are you best friends? Girls and boys names
To many and I'm lazy
Date Kayla please , you guys are so cute together ❤❤
Are you still dating Teresa?
We aren't dating just really good friends
Single or taken ?
Single #foreverfriendzoned
Why is there so much hatred on your Qooh me surrounding Berkley. Why are people living in the past and not today.
I am with you on that
Who is that exchange girl in all your pictures? I thought that you would go for your grade 10 dance date?!
Emilie Arnal.. she is back in Germany
Would you ever date Kayla M cause I have heard that she says she made a stupid mistake going for berkley rather then you and really regrets it ....❤❤
i would but im giving it some time
Would you ever date Kayla M cause I have heard that she says she made a stupid mistake going for berkley rather then you and really regrets it ....❤❤
yeah i would but i just need to give it time
Pooh bear xx congrats on the grade 10 dance date xx your such ana amazing friends xx miss you stacks we need to get coffee soon - piglet xx Megandowning
Thank you so much and we definitely need to get a coffee soon
Who do you hate at bishops
I really like luke but I am to scared to tell him ,has he pulled before
Dm me on Insta this is a bit public so rather answer on dm
What percentage is your phone's battery on right now?
Dream car ?
Ford mustang 1970-1990 or 2013
What did you get for Christmas??
Money sweets shoes and a book
Have u had $ex yet?
No.... sadly ??
What is something that actually offends you?
People think that they are my friends and start making jokes that they shouldn't make. .
What did you do today??
I think you're cooler than Berkeley
Kayla Mcloughlin??
Really nice girl and nice friend
His names big Nate
He likes to debate
And at this rate
He'll be my best mate
I want to be your gym buddy
Who you taking to your grade !0 dance??
Don't know yet
Nomie Nyoni?
Great person
Connor Anderson?
Legend he's a awesome person
Time to be original Nate. Bros before hoes!!
Bro code for life
What do you love most about this world?
Music, nature and love
Suh duuuuuuuuuude
Saa dude
What are you good at ?
Playing musical instruments
Please stop with Berkley questions I don't want to talk about it
Asks question, says DM me. What is the point in asking here then??
Dude this site is open for everyone if I don't want to answer something so that people random people don't get involved
Why have qooh if you won't answer the questions properly? What happened between you and Berkeley?
I answered this question and second I don't want say what happened on this so dm me if you are the desperate to know
What happened between you and Berkley DJH boiiiiii
If you see me ask me in person
If you could reach into any movie and pull something out, what would you take?
The fury tank or sonic screwdriver or harry potters invisibility cloak
Why aren't you talking to Berkley ?
Back stabbing A$$****
Rate yourself out of 10
F**k head that thinks he is cool but he is just a dumb A$$
What are you sick and tired of?
People try to be cool by making them selves look like tw*ts
Beast Mode Activated??
Gym life????
You are an inspiration
Thanks... but what do I inspire you to do?
Are you and Berkley still friends?
Your YouTube channel is so heat!!!!
YouTube Channel? Nate Vs The World? Where do you see it going?
No really far but it's just a hobbies
Suh dude, how's exams
Tough but I'm handling them ok
What's an instant turn off for you?
When girls get close to you only so they can get with you best friend or friends.
Why are you not a millionaire?
How's crossfit been lately mate?
Tough but at least I'm enjoying it
You just won $50 million from the lottery. What's next?
Invest in companies that help with charities and put the rest in savings
What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?
I would try to spend as much time with my friends and family as I can
Who is your favorite person and why?
I have to many people
On a scale of 1 to quatrillion how much for you love trance? ConnorAnders0n