Nadine ;;) ily :| *awkward wink face* :| bye ;;)
I\'ll klap you if you ever wink at me again :| ily2;;)
Who do you like?
A guyyy ;;) lawl :| why do you even want to know :|
So like i am gona spread some love on ur Qooh me page ;;). I lovies u my awesome mommy :D :p. I misshh uu vewy vewy much :( stay amazing :O ;;).
Hey simmii <3 miss you so much :( we need to get together sometime -_- love you so much <3
Hai :| its meh :| your little responsibility *dancy face* :| ily beb ♡ bai now :|
You are your mothers responsibility not mine :|
This Is Your Six Pack buddy;;) love you weirdo;) BenJack01
You\'re the only one with a six pack beb -_- I only got flab :| but I love you tooo Bennniii :D;;)
Haaaai ;;) I'm fluffy. Sorta. Well, the hair on my head is fluffy ;;) and I has cream soda eyes :| guess who I is ;;)
Tis my creeam soda eyes beb Kellay ;;) tehehe lawl ily <3
Oh my god.. To the f***ing **** who said MY sister is stupid annoying and ugly... GO f*** YOURSELF.... You don't have a right to talk to anyone like that especially my sister.... Go s*ck a Dic* you motherf***er.. ┌Пâ”(•͡_ •͡┌Пâ”
Thanks love <3xx
You're stupid and annoying and ugly
Thank you for ruining my f***ing night you ****. Listen up dear, you can\\\'t tell me what I am because you don\\\'t know me (: please go f*** yourself (: now goodbye **** (:
There is a fluffy puppy in your house!!!:O:D
No just a fluffy cat :| but thankoo for the qooh me /:
Kevin !!!!!!! Nuff said -_-
HE\'S MINE!!!!:|
I'm obviously not wanted here :| bye
Bai :|
ILY :| ily has a wily :|
Willllllyyyy :\'(;;)
I'm a tit :| not a v***** :| kay? Kay :|
No you\\\'re a v***** :| bai bish
Brooooo :| braaaaaa :| breeeeeee :| briiiiiiiiii :| bruuuuuuuuu
Are you okay? :| did your mommy drop you on your head or??
Bleh :| you wanted me to post in ze wall and that is what is doing :|
Not so much you v***** :|
:| pixie dust is like love sprikling in ze air
Mhm :| ya
Are you high? :|
Hmm :| what about rainbows? :|
Are you drunk? :|
What do you mean by \"drunk\"? :|
Blah :| bhisshh :|
Eh-ehm :| are yous okay? :| do you need to see a doctor? :|
Heyyyy Gorgoues I love U soo much ♥ ♡
:| were you paid or something?? :| like really /:
Hehe :| people know us too well :| ily ♡ kay bai :|
Bai bish :| ♡
Who are you dating and why?
I\'m dating music, because he\'s always there for me ;)<3 ily boo <3
Heyz Nay ;;) I'm sure you can guess who this is, because, like I'm your sister and don't say Shona ;;) I'm you-know-who ;;) hehehehe! Stay boooootiful Nay ♥
Haii my boooootiful sisiii :* ilysm ♡ stay gorgeeee <3