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Personal reasons .?
That people thing that their better than others, not knowing that no-ones's perfect .
Thanks anon?
Yesja .?
Just Google my dzzziaa?
Yoh .
1. Rivaldo
2. Gratchel
That's it ??
It's Christyle?
Well that's my babysiister mahn.
Someone I look up to.
Somebody who will always cancel her appointments just to be with you and comfort you .
Someone who doesn't give up ?
One of my friends I consider a sistterr??
Iemand wat jou uit help as jy help nodig ?
Only she understands me , and stands my awkwardness.
Someone who doesn't criticise me .
Ons stry baie , buh what is a friendshiip without any down falls?.
Jirrrrrr I'd write a fcking book just to describe her??
Hey , don't say that ??
Just hit my dm anon?
Ek ken nie 'n Charman nie .
Who's that anon?.
Aiii mammmmi sinne?
Look who's talking ?????
This girl with the tako?
Ahg gaan mahn???
Yessssss gyalll
Your more than welcome.
You know were my house is ??
You were offline shannies.
I'll tell you the story nxa
Yessssss girl
Ek wonDer ook my gyall??
Yes ., buh I'm over it now .
Besig met my boeke.
Why do boys wear shoes?.
Charman most definitely doesn't take girls who are beyond the word immatured .
Atleast that's how I know him .
And second of all , your dating buh you begging me not to text him . WTF.
You got Trust Issues don't ya?.
He told you he loves you ?.
Lord Jesus , please tell this girl Charman was prolly drunk .
Congratulations that you took over??
So Happy for you ???
Lies .
Dankiii anon??
Hou op mahn ? ?
How'd you feel ? ??
Aiiiiiiiiii mahn this gyalls??
None actually ?.
Oc .
Don't do this ????
Just text me .
I don't love anyone ?
Cause my love is being wasted on this human's.
And who exactly are you talking about?
I'll think about it .
Maar Dm my neht
Good girl , buh nasty at times?
My girl that one , nje queen of hoe??
Thick girl? , met 'n lekker Ronde gesig??
She has a heart of gold ?
Such people are rare to find .
We keeping it real when we together??
I know who this is .
Dm my net dahn praat ons ??
Ek sien mense hou my dop??
Thank you mahn .
Thanz mahn?
I bet you are just as FlawL??
Don't worry .
fanq you?
Dankiie ?
Aiii phokof??
Yes Obvious??
There's no a US" anymore.
Ah , just Dm me.
Auw die gyalla.
Neh mahn .
smaki hang nie .
Getting married to my books???
My Brandon??
Blackberry Z10??
Nope , why don't you tell me.
What am I suppose to do?.
Nah b.
Direct Message.
Los eers daai story ???
She's fine.
Yes of course.
Keep on wishing
I doubt it's even big ,.
sorry mahn .
We are .
That's my mate ???
Phoetsek tohg ??
Day day's my cuz ??
Met wat my braah?.
You can have him ??
Jy praat kak
hoor jy ..
Hoekom is jy so kinderagtig om my so 'n kak vraag te vra?
Nicki runs the shxt ?
I love you Naz ?
Don't ever forget that .
Aiii mammmiii toh?
I do to .
Ion even drink
Los daai story gyall.
That making love as people is different from just having $ex.
Time stops
Brain shuts down
and the heart starts speaking through body language and intimacy.
Love than becomes it's own soul ?
? : Chxrlxn
What's that ?.
•Guy's who have Respect towards everyone .
•Someone who understands me ., and who is on the same level as me ?
Hou jou oe tys maassekiiindt??
thank you ?
I'll take that into consideration ,.
This mad my day???
thanks you s/m .
Ion even know you ???
If you are girly enough
you'd come face me ?
Really anonymous???
My gyallla
Muskien jy Dm gou dahn maak ek planne?
Brandon's my Fxckin besssfrenn 4 life?
ah man
ya'll are insane?
She deserved it .
Jaja .
Sy vat dahn one?
Thank you so much ??
Nah ?