Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Please let me know who you are
I wouldn't say I'm looking for one, I'd say I want a guy to come looking for me
Wow are they together?! Um well if she's happy then that's great, they do suit
I was kidding he isn't actually
Lovely guy! So good to talk to and his body! Wow!
So funny! I actually don't know him that well but he's so easy to get along with, always smiling :)
Carman** And it's not
Why do you have to ask so many questions
Charlie bahr is my fav
No I mean I like some else not him
Who said he even went to school? Just saying that could be an option
She seems alright! Great horse rider, and pretty, never talked though
I tried and tried and I guess I just got sick of trying and didn't want to waste my time on someone like him, and I like someone else soooo
Pretty sure I only like him as a friend hahahahah
Never talked to him! But I've been told a bit about him :) he should inbox me
No its not! Like no one knows
I have a crush on this guy and he has no idea!
Sick chick! Haven't seen her for ages it feels but I feel like we talk evert now and again cause she's always talking to brieanna haha
Wouldn't you like to know
Tabe, aim, Keagan, max, I can't think of others right now
My one and only Deb partner! Top guy and heaps easy to get along with :)
Yeah as I said a sweet time thanks to sweet people
I had a really sweet time, thanks to some people
Hah he didn't even go the pussayyy
Haven't seen him for a long time! Wouldn't mind having a chat and catching up
Hahahah oh wow no I don't think he is, I think he's great!
Keegan is the greatest! I could probably talk to him about anything and he would understand, it was fun partying with him again and him and Viv are cute :)
Yesssssss, I'm guessing you are so I'll see ya there
Babe! And has a great personality, gun at sports and just a lovely girl
Pretty nice girl! Don't talk that much but easy to get along with
We don't talk that much but he's such a laid back guy and that's so good! He also looks super mint when he plays footy
Only talked to him once I think But he seemed lovely! Anna and him were sweet too
Being myself
Nah were happy the way we are I feel
You are a lovely person :)
B and L dawg
I don't talk to Steph all that much but she's so down to earth and chill! Which is so good And she's so Lovely
Tabekitten is beautiful. She is the sweetest gal going, and always making me smile :) and I will always look out for her because there's nothing more I like seeing then her being happy
I have heaps of favs
I wouldn't have a clue!
You're beautiful anon :)
Everyone's smart, it's just some people are smarter then others
Your cute kelgon xxx
I love Steph! She's so gorgeous and she's so funny. Has a very kind heart, I loved her Deb dress :)
She's hot! She's always happy and that's so good. She could be a model
I eat enough as it is.
Hah. You can say that again
I know what was I thinking
I just did that
Lieschke? I'll do him anyway. Blake is a top guy, he is always up for a chat and is really sweet ! I love being around him :)
She's a top chick. I have nothing against her and I like when we smile at each other at school, she's stunning
Yes. Keegan is so naturally beautiful
Darcy I'anson
Emily is a lovely sweet girl. She is always smiling and can be quite cheeky. She looked so stunning at her Deb :)
I love my year 11 gal pals
Nikita, phoebe, liv, Ellen
I don't know a lot of year 8s, so I wouldn't say I had favourites
Ooo maybs Keegan
Liv is a lovely young girl with a lot of potential in sport! I think she would have a go at anything, and is just so pretty and sweet :)
There all pretty nice, but nicest would probably be cameron, Keegan, pat, Josh, Joel, myall, Matt k, Matt n, sam
Out of all the questions I've been asked this would have to be the hardest. Hmm, maybe a nice purple
Omg I love max. He's so lovely, and we've had some great times together.. I remember this one time on the trampoline, it was unforgettable ☺ He's so easy to get along with and talk to him about anything and he's pretty handsome too. Ily max
Andrew, Harrison, Dan
Keegan, Matt x2, Cameron, Joel, Sam, myall, there's probs more but idc
He goes alright. Don't really talk to him that often but he's quite hilarious and seems like a top bloke
He's such a sweet guy. And he's helped me out a bit, but we have some memories :')
He turned gay
Wow mitch omg, have not seen or talked to that guy for forever it seems. But I mean we used to be so close and then we just went separate ways, he's a lovely chap
Omg do I really have to do that, I can't think
A strong 11
Only for you
Well I'm single now so inbox me anytime
Do I even want to guess who this is lel ;)
Don't know her that well, but we've talked a few times. She seems lovely and nice, and very pretty too :)
Oh my. Everyone has there flaws and I have mine, trust me. You'll find someone a whole lot better :)
Honestly we could be doing a lot better
Awh anon your my fave too xx
Samsung Galaxy S5
It's Schulz. But Georgie is an amazing girl, she has everything going for her! And she's great at all sports. I like her heaps :)
Harry Harry Harry, he has the best personality and I reckon I would be able to talk to him about anything and he's pretty easy to get along with. Top bloke :)
Lovely girl! She is like a freak at athletics and netball, and dancing! She has really tanky legs and she's pretty :)
My family and my best friends and my boyfriend
****. KIDDDINNGGGGG ! I love her to bits, I feel like we've become really close over the past year and I just love her! I can be myself around her and she will not care and like words cannot describe she's brilliant!
Oh wow, I don't think I've talked to him for so long, but he's quite hilarious and seems to be a nice guy sometimes
Andrew is mint! He would probably be one of my closest guy friends, he just understands everything and he's always there for me and so easy to get along with and be around! So caring and I just love him for that, he will always be my friend.
Pat is so so nice! He has a great personality and he is so smart, he's pretty good to talk to as well :)
Matt is brilliant! I mean were not close but we seem to get along pretty good, and yeah pretty lovely guy :)