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441 Replies

i fukcing hate annie and evie they think they're so much better then everyone else :/ why are you even friends with them ahaha

Because they're the best people ever and they make me happy so screw u and get the **** out of my life :~)

Nessmclean replied 3735 days ago

What do you look for in a guy?

Let's start with I'm not actually looking for one :)))

Nessmclean replied 3735 days ago

How many questions do you have

65 but over a very long period of time :pp

Nessmclean replied 3735 days ago

You're gorgeous wtf

So are you wtf

Nessmclean replied 3735 days ago

Stop ****ing the poor kid around and make up your mind!!!!

Hahah uh I think you have the wrong person? Everyone currently in my life knows where they stand with me, I wouldn't even bother mucking someone around it's a waste of time for not only them but me too

Nessmclean replied 3735 days ago

Your mum is so adorable like omfg

She's also kinda embaressing :p

Nessmclean replied 3744 days ago

What are the items on your Christmas list?!!

I haven't actually thought exactly what I want yet but I'm hoping a go-pro, clothes, makeup and what not x

Nessmclean replied 3744 days ago

What is your favourite shop! To shop at???

my favourite clothing store is probably zimmerman, love love love it

Nessmclean replied 3744 days ago

Ness how do you deal with bad opinions about you from other people ? I've been getting a lot of hate recently and it really hurts my self esteem

I've realized that if it's coming from someone who barely even knows me then what's the point of being upset about it? Honestly the only opinions that should matter are from the ones you care about. Don't let people put you down, you rock

Nessmclean replied 3744 days ago

Ever had to cut someone out of your life, like a friend

yeah I have, sometimes you have to

Nessmclean replied 3744 days ago

Ugh can I have your face plz

I'm sure ur face is fab

Nessmclean replied 3744 days ago

Do you really hate anyone?

No but there are a few people I dislike

Nessmclean replied 3751 days ago

I wish we could be friends again but I ****ed up so badly

That s*cks doesn't it :(((

Nessmclean replied 3757 days ago

Who would you say your closest to, girls or guys or both

Both, I think everyone knows who my closest friends are without me having to name them all :)

Nessmclean replied 3757 days ago

Hey nessie -Harry Ladner

Hey harry -Nessie McLean

Nessmclean replied 3757 days ago