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I don’t give a fork

235 Replies

Do you know any other letters from the alphabet besides K? You know, like we learned in preschool

How about instead of being a ***** dm me

Neve.xix replied 948 days ago

I had no idea you were so arrogant. I'm actually disappointed


Neve.xix replied 949 days ago

"K" 🖕🏽


Neve.xix replied 950 days ago

That literally makes no sense


Neve.xix replied 951 days ago

If you're not Jewish then why would you have a preference for guys being cut?

Someone asked and I answered

Neve.xix replied 951 days ago

Using a Google search of practices of a religion you don't belong to as justification of your personal views is really disrespectful. Coming from a Jewish person.

Ok 🙂

Neve.xix replied 951 days ago

Are you Jewish?


Neve.xix replied 951 days ago

Yeah, well I doubt you'd be happy about it if 'routine practice' and 'law' meant that your parents had to have a piece of your ***** sliced off when you were born🙄. Try to understand that from a guys point of view


Neve.xix replied 951 days ago

Just curious. Personally I think it's wrong that so many parents do it to their sons when they're too young to decide for themselves.

In Israel, neonatal male circumcision is routine practice. According to Jewish law, circumcision is the physical representation of the covenant between God and Abraham described in the Old Testament and is required for the inclusion of males in the Jewish faith.

Neve.xix replied 951 days ago

Guys get shot down in flames if they have a 'preference' about girls bodies.
Besides, cutting is barbaric. If guys weren't meant to have anything there they'd be born without it


Neve.xix replied 951 days ago

Why cut?

Why do you need to know

Neve.xix replied 952 days ago

Do you prefer cut or uncut guys?


Neve.xix replied 952 days ago

Mind your business = yes. If it was no it would just be no. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's hot

And you need to mind your business

Neve.xix replied 952 days ago

Do you think its weird that guys pleasure themselves all the time. Like they're literally addicted to it

I don’t really care

Neve.xix replied 952 days ago

what's ur ig Call.Boy


Neve.xix replied 953 days ago