Why you always bored ??
Why you always bored ??
Do you have a girlfriend?
Do you have a girlfriend?
Yes i do
To all you people on this account you don't fcking understand how horrible it is to be called go Germany, wranga and other horrible red head names just call us red heads. You will never understand how it feels to be teased for it
Umm okay
Go Germany?
It s*cks but dont get touched
Why is your qooh me bio thing “hate on me anonymously?”
Well its what people do
And what this sight is used for
Who do you turn to when you are in need of advice or when you’re depressed?
I love your hair, ginger or not❤️
Thank youuu
Are you a homophobe?
As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?
People who think they to good for you
fck,marry,kill Ethan Grainger,Logan Paul,Miley Cyrus
Nooo thanks wtf?
Ethan Grainger?
What about Ethan.
I still love you
I know you do?❤
I love you to
What do you to when you feel depressed
I talk to a surtain person or I cuddle my puppy
Why is being a ginger such a big thing to you? Its just your hair colour?
I get bullied for it and people say I'm ugly because of it
Plans for 2018?
Nothing much
Which movie do you regret watching and why ?
Marly and me . my dog died the day before I watched it and the movie crushed me
Your greatest accomplishment?
What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?
Sworn at me
What is your biggest regret?
Hmm I dont have any
What did your last relationship teach you?
Don't date girls that use musically
This is not a question but a tip: You can put your qooh.me link on your 24hr whatsapp status to get more questions.
Why is your life so sad?
Because I dont have cheese and my doritoes are lonely
Are you homo$exual
Spur or wimpy
I dont mind
We don't talk any more.
Like wee used took
Dm me if u wamma talk
I think im in love with a total dummy who is to damn blind to see it. What should i do
Tell them straight
Tell them I like you like chicken like being decapitated
Hope it goes well
Is the person you like in you're grade
Do u like anyone in you're school
Do u like anyone in you're school
Do u like anyone in your grade
Do u like anyone in you're school
What does hmu mean
Hit me up
Do u like anyone in you're school
Maybe maybe not
Do u like anyone in you're school
Maybe maybe not dm me
What’s the name of your crush?
Dont wanna let her know so can't tell you sos
Dm me if you wanna know
Why are you so stupid
Cause I wanna be like you?
Who do you like?
Someone amazing
Why are u so goddamn gorgeous
Idk its so I can be worthy of you
I think you could be a junior version of eddie redmayne ? do you know him? SilverHeart
No I dont
Who was your 1st gf
Have you ever had a 'glorious morning'
What is that iv had pretty good morning eating some foods
Is there anyone in your school that you hate
If you could change your name what would you change it to
Who was the last person you DM'd
Do u have that one song that brings back a wave of memories then you just sit there thinking of those memories
Too late to apologize
Brings back cape town memories
Who is the girl you keep talking about??
Do u prefer pizza with or withoit pineapple
All pizza is good pizza
Do u know anyone that likes you
No one likes me I dont think besides the one girl
Who do u like but haven't talked to
This one girl iv always wanted to talk to her but I'm scared I won't say her name
Do you like that leah chicky ?
f***** A$$ twat
No thanks
Do you have a girlfriend
Maybe maybe not ?⚡
Do you have a girlfriend. If yes would u cheat on her
I would never cheat on a girl
What thing did you do that ruined a relationship/s?
Who do u like?
Most probs you who is this
U look gay u fcking ginger ninja
Gay isnt a look and gay guys actually are know for looking good like their clothing and that so I feel like you kinda complemented me
I think I’m in love with u❤️
Why thank you?❤
Why do you think people like/hate you?
...i think im in love with you, you giner-head, blue eyed freak (in a good way)?❤
Hey who are you
If you could go back in time where would you go?
Not to far back only a few months to get someones number and save someone else
If your ex got hit by a car...what is your reaction??
Lol Rekt
No I we still good friends so I would be pretty shook up and I would visit her in hospital and make sure she is okay
The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?
Kill myself
Why do u have 3 accounts???
Idk only Nicholas_dibb and Nicholas_the_fab work
Did your DM stop working because I keep trying to DM you but u don't answer
Nicholas_dibb and Nicholas_the_fab works
But Nic.d.b is not in use I logged out and forgot the password
You can reach me at 060 957 3683
I still like you but you dont talk to me anymore...if u dont know who it is then think harder?
I dont have insta in my phone and if yiu are who I think yiu are then your phone is broken so we can't whatsapp
What's something you fell in love with instantly?
What is you zodiac sign?
Why dont u answer me u fool?
Jk, u not a fool but why??
I have answered all qooh mes I have recieved. Please specify what I havent replayed on
Do u know anyone who likes you??
What's something that took you way too long to realize?
The vibes at my school
What are you currently worried about?
School and friendships
I used to like you alot but then one day a light went off and i suddenly felt nothing for you.
And to be honest you are a really sweet guy but you deserved way better than me.
You know who sent this...
I have no idea but I would love to know?and thanks you so much you make me blush I'm really sorry that I did something to put you off me
How's life citrus...?
Good n for you
Who do u like
Idk no one likes me or actually really talks to me anymore so I can't really get feelings for anyone
What will you never ever do again?
Date a ****
What do you wish had never happened to you?
Likeing a girl
First impression of VeronicaRK VeronicaRK
Idk who you are...
How much money do you need right now and why ?
All of it because
You know that no one wants to ask any more questions so just stop asking them to qooh you its annoying so I agree with the other person fck.of
Some people do wanna ask questions
And what does one low life's opinion matter to me?
Zoë de Kock?? ???
Random girl I know