Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
she is really nice pretty funny pretty good looking and yeah :)
really good chick pretty attractive and yeah
really nice dont know her that well tho
we used to talk alot not so much now but shes so nice really attractive and i wouldn't mind getting to know her a bit better :)
she is such a nice person so funny really attractive and a really great friend! :)
Good lad great mate mad at soccer and tennis! and pissar of a bloke!
Ruby- really nice/funny person really attractive and a good friend :)
Rachel- Dont know her to well she went to the same primary school as me and seem really nice and friendly :)
#1. Jack Spencer
Really Attractive Girl such a nice person great to talk to and good friend :)
Shes a really nice girl never mean to anybody cares for everybody and yeah :)
Chelsea D'angelo
Maddi palmer
Abbey noblet
Amie jackson
Alex Delicato
Such a nice person has the best personality shes stunning and a really good friend! :)
your really nice so funny really pretty and a great friend! :)
She is a very attractive girl shes is a really good person with a great personality and we used to be close but not so much now and yeah :)
Shes really nice and pretty funny and has a good personality! :)
dont know her that well but shes really nice she is really pretty and would like to get to know her better :)
year 7-penny geogeson- year 8- Chelsea D'angelo-year 9- Lexi savige!
Shes a really nice person such a great friend great to hang out with really trustworthy and really pretty! :)
not a bad kid when he wants to be but trusts the wrong people!
shes nice!
who is this? :) inbox me?
hard question!
i have no clue? inbox me? :)
such a nice person shes a great friend and really trustworthy! :)
really nice person really good friend always have a laugh and yeah :)
she is really nice really pretty dont know her to well tho! :)
why do you care? Aha
Ha thanks inbox me?
what happend to your face **** looks like a bloated as*hole!
she is a great friend and yeah and also pretty! :)
hahaa xoxxo
tbh i dont have a clue who you are? i will give you a tbh if you inbox me??.
emma missen!??...why?
nah just inbox me!
nah im good thanks!
why do you want to know and im not saying it on here so dont be so scared about inboxing me?
well who are you? inbox?
as a friend yeah? why?
ok whats this?
just inbox me?
um whaaat??
how is that a clue? haha
yeah good mate of mine!
uhm.... whos this now? haha
just inbox me seriously!
come on what year you in?
just inbox me? dont be scared haha! :) what year are you in?
nope are you?
whats your name start with??..
just inbox me please..? i wont care seriously :)
inbox me then? i wont mind who is it :)
Im not dating anyone mate!